"Yeah your boss. I don't really like the whole OBI-WAN thing he's got going on. You know, it freaks me out." Scott just gave a puzzled look. "Oh my god. Have you still not seen star wars?"

"I swear if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie."

"It just makes me crazy."

"Okay Stiles who are the last two?"

Stiles sat back on his bed. HE sighed, "Lydia. She was totally controlled by Peter, and she had no idea so..."

For a moment no one said anything in room 213. "And the last one?" Scott asked.

"Cait." Stiles paused at the thought of his best friend unitanally committing murder. "I mean these visions are really beating her up, you know? What if it's like a reves kanima. Cait has a vision of someone dying, and then someone else kills them for her."

Scott sighted and went to the bathroom. Something felt off, he knew that. For a minute he just started into the mirror. Slowly he brought his hand to his eye, pulling down the skin around it. When he looked closer into his brown eyes they turned red. Not gold, red.

FIRST PERSON POV~Caitlin Roads/Holmes

Someone knocked on the door. "Yeah come in, it's unlocked!" Lottie yelled, still reading her book. The red door opened slowly, so slow I thought Coach was finally going to kill us all, but it was just Stiles.

"Hey I'm going to the vending machine you two want anything?"

"Just a hershey bar." I say shrugging, not really sure why something about this question felt off. Like something was going to happen at the wedding machine.

"Not sure. I'll just come with." Lottie said, placing a bookmark in her book.

When the two left I started walking around the room. The red walls were scratched up, like a wolf had taken his claws to them. Or a werewolf on a full moon. The shower had grime in every corner, and the pillows smelled like wet dog. The blankets were neatly folded but had small holes in the bottom. There was a small green chair in the corner that clashed with everything else in the room. It was truly Motel Hell.

There was a new knock on the door. "Stiles you know Lottie has the key, so if it was locked you could still get in!" I yell, tracing my hand over a set of claw marks. The door creaked open this time, like it was about to fall of it's hinges.

When I turned expecting Stiles and Lottie, I was faced with Scott. Not that it was a bad thing, but there was this look in his eyes. His jaw was hanging open a bit. Almost like he was sleep walking. "Scott?" He didn't say anything just got closer to me. "Scott!" He took a few more steps.

"Do you know something?"

I laugh, "Jesus christ, you scared the cap out. No. well maybe- what would I know?"

"My eyes."

My heart skipped a beat. "What about your eyes?"

"They were red."

"Then get some sleep."

"Not bloodshot, the iris. My eyes were red not gold." Scott took four more steps to me. "Do you know something?"

"No. Well- Allison said your eyes were red last night. With the alphas." Scott walked closer, this time grabbing my wrist.

"What's happening to me? What's happening to us!" The grip on my wrist got tighter. The door was still open. I heard footsteps on the stairs on the stairs. I could tell it was Lottie and Stiles just by the hush whisper in their voice.

Protector Of Worlds ~ Teen wolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ