A new friend

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Chapter 3
It's been 3 days since i received the anonymous note. From the day i received the note,i had become a careful-freak. I never went to lunch at the cafeteria,i never spoke in class,i started wearing a hoodie in hopes that i will become invisible to the school.

My protection didn't work for long. As i was walking down the school hallway, i heard someone call my name "Tammy..". I panicked instantly.

Inner Tammy"sirens blaring" Alert! Alert! Alert!
We have been discovered by a human,get ready for action.
Fyi,my inner self makes appearances most times,so don't be shocked if i don't even talk. Cause i like it when i have conversation with myself. Also, it's not weird,it's just one of my little secrets.

Back to reality:
The person who called my name was actually standing in front of because i was frozen solid when i heard. I was a little relieved when i saw who called me. It was Evan. The one who had clear white skin and blue eyes and a nice haircut.
He said " hi" and i said " hey" .He continued further breaking the awkward silence between us that lasted for like 20 seconds, saying "can i ask you a favour?" , i said "sure".
Evan: i need your help in geography. I noticed that you really love geography and you are pretty smart too.
Tammy: OK, sure!. I can help you.
Evan: Great! I will meet you after school at the library.
Tammy: OK.
Evan: Bye and thanks
Tammy: Bye and no need to thank me!

Good lord! I am glad that was over. I dashed into my next class for next period. Finally, school is over. I went to the library as per Evan and I's agreement. He was already there studying the topic beforehand. I was happy,cause i only have like 30 minutes before my mum comes to pick me up for "protection purpose". I haven't told my mum about the note. But,this was the normal procedure.
I sat at the table where Evan was studying and i made my presence known by saying "hi"and he was a little startled 'cause he was really into the topic he was reading,but he managed to say "hello".

We started the study session. About 30 minutes after, i got a text from my mum notifying me of her arrival. I packed my bag and told Evan that i had to
go. Before i left, he said something surprising.
Evan: Tammy,i really appreciate you helping me today. I really hope we can be good friends.
Tammy:*suprised* yeah, sure,ok.
Evan: see you tomorrow,friend!
Tammy: bye*waves hand*
Evan:*waves back*

After getting back home, i told my mum about Evan,and as always she recited her mantra
"Tammy,be careful and always protect yourself".
I always kept that in mind.

The next day at school,i tried my best to put my best self forward in front of Evan. We started to get along and he told him about himself, but i didn't say anything much about myself. I only told him things that he and everyone in the school already knew.
I don't know if i can trust him enough to tell him fully about my true self and my little secret. But who knows,this might be the beginning of a strong friendship or not.

Only time would tell, whether i have made a new friend or not.
Hello again!
I hope you like the chapter.
Question: Do you think Evan and Tammy will become really good friends and have a strong bond?
Let me know what you think in the comment section?

Being ME:Diary Of Tammy (slowly updating)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon