Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

What was going on? Mia seriously needed to figure things out. And not only what was going on, but also what her true feelings were.


Mia walked out of the big doors, heading in the direction of Blake's car. She'd talked to Tori during lunch and they decided that she would just get a ride from one of her friends and Mia would go with Blake.

Mia almost tripped while walking down the stairs. Thankfully, somebody grabbed her waist before she could humiliate herself by falling flat on her face. Mia looked up to see Charlie. "Thanks," she said, steadying herself.

"No problem. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." Mia blushed but couldn't help thinking of how he'd slapped her the other day.

"Well, I have to go. I'm gonna train with Blake," she told him.

"No, don't leave me," he whined jokingly. At least, she thought it was a joke.

"Okay," she agreed, realizing she would only ever be happy if she stayed with him. "Let me just go tell Blake," she told him.

"Okay, but come back soon."

Mia walked over to Blake's car. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hey, so... ugh... I can't hang out," she blurted.

Blake frowned and scrunched his eyebrows. "And why not?"

"I'm gonna hang out with Charlie," she whispered.

"Really? I can't believe you. I know that you love him or whatever but you already made plans with me. You know what, I'll just hang out with Drew," he told her.

Suddenly, Mia could only feel anger and hate towards Blake. "You are the worst," she told him. "I mean, you can't just do that!"

"Do what?" he wondered, his voice extremely calm compared to her screams. "Hang out with Drew? That's exactly what you're doing."

"Yeah, but Charlies my boyfriend and you're just doing it in anger!" she yelled.

"I'm the angry one?" he asked with an eye roll.

"YES!" she yelled. There were a few moments of silence before Mia spoke, and when she did, it was something she never thought it would ever be what she ended up saying. "I hate you," she told him, her voice eerily calm. And with that, Mia walked back to Charlie, not even realizing what she'd just done as her emotions controlled her every thought. Every movement she made. Every beating of her heart.

For some reason, Mia felt a tear trickle down her face but it didn't make sense. She was angry, not sad. Hate filled her body as tears fell down her face, as if pushing out the sadness.

Mia wiped them away quickly before running over to Charlie and kissing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She felt him smile against her lips but ignored it, just wanting to forget all that had happened.

When she pulled away, she was out of breath. "We should go," Charlie told her. Mia nodded in agreement, grabbing his hand and walking towards her car.

"You took the bus, right?" she wondered.

"Yep. Just like always," he told her with a bright smile.

While Mia was on her way to Charlie's car, she saw Blake. His eyes were glistening and his face was pained. She would have felt bad had she not been so furious with him.

Mia shrugged off all of her feelings towards Blake and focused once again on Charlie. "Let's go to Starbucks," she suggested before hopping into the drivers seat. Charlie nodded before Mia started the car and drove out of the parking lot, leaving behind any positive feelings she had for Blake only to be replaced with fury and hate.

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