Chapter 25

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    It had been a full three weeks since the incident at TI with Rae. I wasn't sure whether or not this was supposed to make us let down our guard or what it was, but it was beginning to work, which was making me oddly suspicious.

    "Do you think this is on purpose? Like, they are toying with us." I asked Grey, sitting up on the couch as I did. He frowned at me and pressed his lips together

    "Why do you think its a 'we'?" He asked and I shrugged.

    "Something about it doesn't seem, right. Like, it was just so out of the blue, and then she disappears? Out of no where, she is gone. Did she see that she didn't get away with it the first time and just back off? I think someone is working behind the scenes." I he been thinking about it for a few days, had talked to my therapist about it who insisted that I didn't worry about it.

    Which made me worry about it even more. I wanted to know the next move.

    "I don't have any answered to that Mari. I don't know if she vanished or if she is working with someone else. But I don't think that we should stop living our lives." That was new. Grey was usually telling me the opposite, that we needed to be careful and better to be safe then sorry.

    "I don't know, maybe it was all a fluke? Maybe she is gone for good and we can just move on." I said as I sat back, folding my arms across my chest.

    Grey just kind of nodded, I could tell he didn't really want to stay on the topic so I just shrugged it off, replaying things over in my mind trying to decide if she was going to make another move. What if i was right? What if she wasn't working alone. I didn't really know anyone that hated me that much, maybe Dakota? Something seemed off about her the last time we hung out. Maybe it was time that I began hanging out with her again just to see if there was any information i could have picked up on.

    "Speaking of moving on." Grey said, shifting so his arms as no longer around me and he could pull something out of his wallet. "I got you and the twins something." I raised my eyebrows at this. He got me and the twins something? What was he up to.

    "What?" I asked as he opened his wallet and pulled out three tickets. I frowned as I looked at them.

    "They are to see Six: The Musical. It is coming here to Chicago in two weeks and I noticed you have been playing the soundtrack a lot recently so i figured you would want to go see it." I process what he was saying before my face broke out in a huge grin.

    Six: the Musical was a concert about Henry the 8th's six wives and how fed up with his shit they all were so they get together and compare who had to deal with the most. It was a super popular pop musical that had just started to get big and I had been wanting to see it since I heard about it. I didn't think Grey paid attention to these things, never-the-less did I think he would actually buy me tickets to go see it.

    "Oh my god!" I squealed, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him as he laughed.

    "I would go, but, seemed more like a girl thing and honestly, not fun for me. So i figured the twins would enjoy it more."  He was definitely right, I didn't think he would like it as much as Delta and Dylan would.

    "When is it again?" I asked, as he handed me the tickets and i looked at them in awe.

    "Saturday after next." He confirmed as I looked at the dates. This was going to be amazing, I could not wait.

"I am going to go call the twins." I grinned, standing up and racing off the to bedroom to make the calls.


It was late, I was laying in bed on a Friday night with Grey sound asleep next to me. Today had been amazing, and we did pretty much nothing after work, just hanging out and cuddling. This man was my life, my entire life.

I couldn't imagine my life without him, and he was going to be my everything, forever. I was sure about that. We seemed to agree on pretty much everything, it was weird how little we fought now a days and if we did it was over little things like what we wanted for dinner or what we were doing that evening.

Grey Thomas was my life, and I didn't want anything to change that.

Standing up and getting out of bed I made my way over to the window. Looking outside at the world in front of me. For the first time in a very long time, everything felt...clear. I knew I was on the right path and my mind seemed made up about a lot of things.

I was in a good place for once.

This is a filler, I'm preparing for bigger things but i need more time in between chapters to stretch things out.

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