Chapter 29-The Truth and A Goodbye Kiss

Start from the beginning

"So you did learn how to fight? But how? He taught you?" Jason asked, his tone telling me he wasn't understanding anything. 

"I did learn. But not by him. I had to teach my self how to fight. See, I wasn't the only girl J.D. had ever kidnapped. There were a lot of us." I said, swinging my legs back and forth. "Just girls."

I don't know why, but I was feeling extremely calm about this. Well, at least for now i was. 

"How many?" He asked. 

I shrugged. "Numbers varied and it depended on the block you were in and where you from." 

"Can you elaborate?" 

I smiled a little. "Sorry. By numbers variating, I mean the number of girls would decrease form time to time. And blocks, blocks were just what I called it. Every girl in my block, was owned by J.D. The other girls, they were owned by other men." I glanced at Jason and he was frowning as he was taking all of this in but most of all, he looked confused. 

"But why just girls? I don't understand. And who were you guys fighting?" 

I casted my glance down to my swinging feet. "It was like woman trafficking. Instead of being used for drugs and sex. We were used to fight. We were trained, to fight other girls from different blocks, different countries, and different states. All for money." I said with disdain, shaking my head. 

"A-and you, fought? You actually fought?"Jason stuttered a little. 

I could feel the hardest part coming up. 

"Yeah. I fought. I fought hard and long." I said quietly. 

"How many fights?" Jason asked in a strained voice. 

I shrugged, swinging my legs back and forth still. "I don't know. I lost count after the first 100 or so." 

"Oh God." Jason whispered angrily and horrified. "And you never lost?" He asked, and I could hear the curiosity burning in his voice. 

I smirked. "No. I never lost a fight. Not one." I said proudly. "I was J.D.'s number one fighter. And at the time, I was almost proud to be the number one fighter. Like, literally number one. I was the best. After a while, I found myself lost within me. I trusted no one. I feared no one. I was the savage." I quietly said, a smirk no longer on my face. 

"What do you mean 'savage'?" 

I sighed and pursed my lips. 

"I mean, I was the most dangerous fighter of them all." I said, turning my head to him. "Everyone knew who I was."

Jason didn't speak. He just looked at me.  I should explain more. 

"We didn't just fight for money, Jason. We fought for survival." I told him quietly, taking in his reaction. 

His brows furrowed and he looked deep in thought. I continued, but turned away form him. 

"I did things, Jason. Things that I'm not proud of. Things that make me sick when I think back on them. I hated it." I said with strong distaste. 

"Hate." I smiled bitterly at the word. "And It's not hard to hate. Things. People. Especially the ones that like to watch you bleed. That like to watch you fail. But its as easy as breathing. Too easy. But I know enough hate, to know what kind of a person it turns someone into. I've been that person." SAVAGE "And sometimes I still am that person. Because in my world, where you discover pain, you discover hate along the way. There was no love. No one who cared about you. Back then, I'd rather feel pain than any of that. Because pain and hate was what I became. What kept me alive all these years. What my world consisted of. They were my driving force. My motivation. And It was the only thing I knew." 

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