AfO vs All Might Battle! with a surprise Guest Appearance!

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There's a small panic around him, the cops shouting on their walkie-talkies and running around, the heroes scrambling in one direction, like it was a race. He noticed All Might was no longer there and overhears one of the police ask for more heroes, evacuations and ambulances across the city where All Might was fighting someone who took out the heroes on site including Best Jeanist.

Shaking off his shock, Izu checked over Monoma quickly, but other than light injuries and shock, he was fine. Activating One for All, he lit up and disappeared.

Over with All Might, the fight with All for One was going about as well as last time. The area was destroyed, the few heroes that were still conscious were fighting with the rest of the League (minus Dabi and Kurogiri as they were still knocked out), the few police and rescue units they'd had as back up were either destroyed or doing their job in the piles of ruble that used to be buildings. All for One was talking, but really, All Might was tired of listening, so he just ignored it, punching and distracting the man until back up could hopefully arrive or one of them was taken out. All Might had no real hope it'd be him that won by the end of this. AfO was winning just by being alive still, by coming out into the light. It was a depressingly sad mindset the Symbol of Peace was in, but you can only believe a lie for so long.

So All for One was still talking and All Might was still ignoring him, until he mentioned Midoriya and Toshinori zoned back in.

"And that Midoriya boy, it's a shame you got him first, he'd make an excellent villain. It's too bad he'll never see his full potential under you and the heroes' watch."

All Might had yet to land any real blows to the man, but the reverse was also true as he'd managed to avoid or negate nearly everything thrown at him. He doesn't bother talking, knowing that's what AfO wants, knowing it'll distract him from the actual fight.

"I should kill you now, before you can rust and corrupt the boy's skills any more than you already have. Tenko still has his eye on him anyway, it'd be a nice gift for my successor."

Who is Tenko? Toshinori suddenly got the feeling he'd missed something big while he was zoned out, but put it aside for later, "I won't let you do that, All for One! I got so comfortable hugging Young Izuku, I can't let you take that from me! Let's finish this fight quickly so I can make sure my so-I mean Midoriya- is well!"

He coughs awkwardly at his slip up, but before either are able to continue, a bright green blur flies out from the way All Might had come in earlier. There's a small shock wave as it lands right where AfO had stood seconds before. All Might expected that the man was fine, having moved out of the way, he was not expecting to look down and see a flattened AfO pancake under a lightly sparking Izuku's feet.

Izuku smiled up at him and held his arms open, "I heard hugs!"

All Might just gives a small sigh and smiles back, wrapping him in a hug and letting the newly arrived Gran Torino slap some quirk suppressing cuffs on the perhaps-still-alive Boogieman of the Underground. And if Izu doesn't let go of All Might for the next three hours...well, it was a traumatizing experience, for both of them.

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