That scene kept on repeating inside your head. It was such a romantic night that even Hyunjin- who made the first move is now acting shy around you. You noticed his blush and avoidant stares at you. You know that it was an intense feeling seeing its effect to the both of you.
The car stopped, and the both of you came out of the car. It was past midnight when you and Hyunjin went back at Hyunjin's home. As you look up, the sky was pitch black but has a thousands of stars twinkling and the moon shining so bright. It was perfect!
It was as if the universe knows what happened earlier.
But then, Hyunjin stopped tracks and simply examined the surrounding. You too, stayed behind him not daring to move just like him. Then, he look back at you. "Stay behind me, don't make a sound." he seriously whispered.
Even though fear is starting consuming you, you still chose to nod your head and obey his orders. You trust him after all. But it's annoying that after an enjoyable moment earlier, it has to have a consequence right now at this moment. Why can't people be happy without having consequences like this?
Is happiness has a price now?
Slowly and quietly, Hyunjin turn the doorknob and thankfully it wasn't locked from the inside. He knew that someone or multiple people are inside the house. What's more alarming is that Kkami, the dog is not even making a sound. It's a dog, it should he barking at strangers.
The house is illuminated by the small amount of light coming in at the window and doors. And that is when Hyunjin saw men figure-like-shadows in front of them. He pointed his gun at them before turning on the light.
"Mate, what took you so long?" said he with a strong Australian accent. Hyunjin took a heavy relief sigh and put down his arm and gun.
"We've been waiting for you for almost three fucking hours. Where have you two been?" Minho scolded him but he just mentally rolled his eyes. Y/N was not really comfortable with the eight other guys in front of them so you hid behind Hyunjin's back.
"Hi, Y/N!!" Jeongin said, waving his hand at you. The other guy beside him elbowed him. "She's your noona." he corrected Jeongin.
"Hi, Noona!" he greeted again and waved his hand again. Y/N awkwardly waved back and smiled a bit.
Jeongin's eyes traveled down to Hyunjin's arms where you clung your hands at. He gave the two of you a questioned look but shrugged it off anyways. Y/N felt her cheeks burn. This is so awkward for you and thank Hyunjin that he noticed that you were feeling uncomfortable.
He escorted you to towards the living room and sat there. The other eight guys followed you two with their suspicious looks. They exchanges looks towards each other and it was as if they were communicating without even speaking and questioning the same question; what is going on between Hyunjin and Y/N?
Even though it wasn't clear, they all have one thing in their minds; these two are dating.
"It's good that the both of you are here," the leader said and sat on one of the sofas. All ears are listening and all eyes are on him. Except for Hyunjin who only kept his eyes on you. Minho, who's at Y/N's side mentally rolled his eyes by the cheesiness of the boy.
"Hyunjin, we have something to tell you." Chan said and cleared his throat before he continue. "Park So ordered us, there's uhm a l-little twist for your mission." he said.
Hyunjin looked at Chan with the most deadly glare. "What is it?" he asked with a serious tone. Y/N didn't seem to mind. You know that there's nothing to be afraid of.
"In order to catch Dae Ho, Y/N will play as a bait--" Chan said but Hyunjin cut his words.
"No." Hyunjin strongly stated with a glare and wrapped on of his arms around your tiny waist. You felt a bit scared because of the idea; you as a bait? A bait for a mafia gang? A bait to catch a dangerous man? Why?