A strong pain went through her arm as Fenrirs maw closed upon it. The pain forced her to kneel down as Y/n stood infront of her, starring at her with cold eyes.

Lapis: "Go ahead kill me! My masters goal will already be reached, my job is done." Y/n grew a vicious smile.

Y/n: "Oh no I will not grant you a quick death. Jorm." The snake hissed happily as it coiled around Lapis starting to crush her. The woman began to choke as Jormungandr tightened his grip on her, the crunching of bones could be heard and blood began to seep out of Lapis' nose, ears, mouth and eyes.

Suddenly the air became freezing cold and as Y/n turned around he saw the building completely covered in a thick layer of ice. Y/n cursed under his breath and recalled Fenrir, turning him into his armor. He quickly rushed to his friends hoping to be able to help them. With a heavy kick the frozen door was opened and Y/n saw all of his friends covered in ice, a man standing in front of them. On second glance Y/n noticed that while all his friends were injured the man, he thought must have been Merlot, was still mostly unharmed.

Merlot: "Another sacrifice for the queen I see." The man said sounding rather insane. The man readied his staff and Y/n felt the air get even colder. Looking below him he saw a glyph appear and Y/n rolled away, narrowly dodging the ice that now encased the place he occupied previously. "Yes give me your negativity. Your hate. Your anger. Your desdain. Give them all to me to please the Queen!" Merlot began to laughe maniacally.

Y/n: "How about I give you a kick in the ass?!" Y/n shouted as he ran towards Merlot. His daggers soared towards the mans throat but a few fingers width before they could pierce the mans flesh they bounced off an invisible wall. "Tsk... Damn magic." Y/n cursed as he bounced back, escaping another attempt to trap him.

Munin: "Your friends won't be able to fight the cold for long master.~" The raven in his left hand said.

Y/n: "Break them free while I hold that lunatic at bay." Y/n ordered and both of his daggers turned back to ravens which began to pick at the ice that was keeping his friends trapped. "I don't know which kingdom you belong to but none of their rulers would want this." Y/n said as he took out his axe and shield, blocking a barrage of icicles.

Merlot: "You think I am doing this for some idiot ruler?! No the queen I am talking about is far greater." Merlot laughed. "She will cover this world in darkness!" Merlot smirked. "Do you know what happens when cold air heats up too fast?" Y/n could not answer as a fireball appeared in Merlots hand before it began to grow and grow. "What did you think I only know ice-spells?" Y/n kneeled down and hid behind his shield as Merlot threw the fireball. A second later every single speck of ice was melted and the resulting water turned to steam. Y/n felt the burning sensation of boiling hot steam and water hitting him and he hoped that his friends were hit less than him. Hugin and Munin were less fortunate and Y/n felt his energy run empty. Panting Y/n got back up and stared at Merlot angrily.

Yang: "O-oh c-c-crap Y/n is m-mad." Yang stuttered, shaking from the cold from being encased in ice. Y/n took a deep breath but as he was about to do something a strong pain went through his chest followed by hearing his friends gasp. He looked down to see Lapis' spear sticking out of his chest. A animalistic growl escaped Y/n while he turned to glare at the very weakened Lapis. Without even flinching the spear was pulled out by Y/n and thrown at the shocked Merlot. But Lapis once again put an end to Y/ns plan as she chaught it, now she was standing between Y/n and Merlot, guarding her master.

Merlot: "Oh Lapis, perfect." The woman smiled towards her master but the smile faded as an icicle imbedded itself right into her stomach. The look of betrayal made Merlot break out into laughter as the room began to shake and be swallowed by a purple mist. "Yes! YES! The queen is pleased with my offering!" Merlot cheered out. The group of heroes felt their blood run cold as they were forced to the ground. For some minutes the manical cackeling was the only thing that was heard until a female voice could be heard. The mist cleared to show a woman that looked like a Grimm with her white skin, black sclera with red irises. "My name is Merlot Rouge, I am the one that summoned you. Grant me my wish!" Merlot said confidently. The woman just stared before sighing.

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