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We went to an old building. We stopped at the far end of the hallway, there's a door of a former classroom.

I opened the locked door. I don't need a key, there are numbers placed on the padlock and all that I have to do is just click the passcode to unlock it. It's easier and less hassle.

Jersey took off my grip on her hand. She showed me her palm and signaled, "Wait lang, putangina."

She's now gasping her breath. We we're sweating, too.

I just laughed in my mind.

I started to press my passcode.

The size of the room is modest. There is a large window and two bookshelves containing books. I haven't been here for a long time. About two months, maybe.

I pulled out the window curtain. The light peeked. I sit down straight into a chair. It's pretty dusty here. But we can still stay here. Actually, I can pay anyone to clean this room but nevermind, I don't want anyone else coming here.

Jersey sat in front of me. I closed my eyes. I want to rest because I am tired. We ran!

"Ang buhay ay putanginaaaaaaaaaa—"

It's Jersey's voice.

"Putanginaaaaaaa. Putanginaaaaaaa—"

She's now screaming.

Well, no one else could hear her voice because we were in my own spare room. This room is mine.

Yes, I have my own room here in the club rooms. There's an old and unused building at the back of the main campus building. This building was used to be 'clubrooms' before. So, there's also a lot of vacant rooms here. In fact, this building is about to be demolished as it is quite old. The Academy may also have plans to replace it with a new building to add new facilities.

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