Just a prank bro (Crackfic!No Jam Bros/Minayeon)

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No Jam Bros

"Heeey, Chaeee~" Jeongyeon hugged Chaeyoung from behind the couch.

Chaeyoung, who was looking at her phone, raised her eyebrow. "What's up, Hyung?"

"You're really gonna call me “Hyung”?" Jeongyeon asked back instead of answering the younger's question.

She just shrugged. "What's up?"

"Nothing~" Jeongyeon said with an innocent tone. Opposite of her face which was holding a mischievous smirk.

Chaeyoung put her phone down and walked over to Jeongyeon, placing her arms around the older's nape. "You're planning something. I can sense it. You're a horrible actress."

Jeongyeon pouted. "Well thanks for the compliment." She said in a sad tone.

Chaeyoung giggled. "You're welcome. Anyways, what sort of mischief are you up to now?"

"Flirt with me." Jeongyeon bluntly commanded.


Jeongyeon smirked. "Let's make Nayeon and Mina jealous. We both know how easily jealous those two can be."

The cub furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know. I don't really want to do that to Mina Unnie." Part of the girl wanted Mina to get jealous, because she usually gets very clingy whenever she's jealous but she also doesn't want to hurt her.

"Oh come on now! I know you want to. I know what she can do when you've been a naughty girl." Jeongyeon wiggled her eyebrows. The statement made Chaeyoung blush madly. Mina might seem quiet, but boy, can she turn into a beast in bed. Especially when she's frustrated.

"Geez, you didn't need to mention that!" Chaeyoung said, still blushing.

"So, what'll it be? Yes or yes?" Chaeyoung laughed at Jeongyeon quoting one of their songs. More specifically, Mina's intro part.

Chaeyoung thought about it for a few moments. But then she decided, why the heck not? "Fine then. What should we do?"

"Yes!" Jeongyeon fist pumped. "Okay, so let's go somewhere within their range of sight, but make it seem like we don't notice them. And then we flirt with each other!" Jeongyeon enthusiastically said.

Chaeyoung once again furrowed her brows. "That kinda sounds like we're having an affair."

Jeongyeon's smile widens. "Even better! We make them think we're cheating in them!" She suggested.

The cub then backed up from Jeongyeon holding her hand up. "Whoa, there. Hold up. We might break their heart! I don't want to hurt my penguin!" She half-shouted defensively.

"I don't want to hurt my bunny either, but she's barely giving me any attention today! I want to make her at least notice me!" Jeongyeon pouted.

"You're awfully clingy today..."

Jeongyeon held the younger's hands. "Do this for me please~ You haven't been getting much attention from Mina either today, right? So, please? For your no jam bro?" She sweetly smiled, begging for Chae to help her out.

Chaeyoung sighed. "The things I do for you. Fine. I'll do it. But if something goes wrong I'm blaming you." She pointed at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon jumped in excitement. "Thanks a bunch Chaengie!" She hugged the shorter girl. "I'll give you a favour. Next time, I'll help you out with something when you need it." She patted Chaeyoung's head.

The cub pushed away her hand. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just go."

Jeongyeon nodded and dragged her to where Mina and Nayeon is currently in. She stopped to a spot where the two would be able to notice them but barely.

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