Parentlock: Bullies

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Self-harm/mentions of


Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Pretty popular. But, they have secrets. For example, they are married and have two kids! They have been married for fifteen years. They also have two sons!

William Hamish Holmes and John Scott Watson Holmes are the sons of Sherlock and John! William is sixteen while Scott is eight. They go to a private school, only because of their Uncle Mycroft who wanted them in the best school.

William and Scott are great kids. They are smart and very good looking. They both have curly black hair, but William has blue eyes while Scott has green eyes.

It was a normal day for the boys. They wake up, they walk to school, William gets bullied, Scott has music practice, William gets bullied, they walk home. Normal day.

Today, William was having the worst day of his life. He woke up feeling sick. He ignored the sick feelings and went to school. He was late to half of his classes, meaning the school called home. William had thrown up in the bathroom when bullies cornered him and beat him up. 

William was so tired, he just wanted to go home.

School finally ended and the boys met out by the front gate.

"Hey, Will!" greeted the younger brother. "Hey, Scott," replied William. "Are you okay?" asked the younger of the two. "Yeah, I'm fine," smiled William; lying through his teeth. They walked home together, each listening to their music through their headphones. William's depression was getting worse throughout the day.

They arrived home and William used his key to open the door. "Home!" he yelled. "Hello, boys!" greeted Mrs. Hudson with a smile. "Hello, Mrs. Hudson," the boys replied before making their way up to their flat.

They opened the door and saw their dad pacing with their papa in his chair and their god-father standing with his arms crossed. William didn't say anything to the adults as he walked through to his room.

"William?" asked John as his son walked through. "Hi, Papa," said William as he continued to walk. "How was school, Scott?" asked his god-father. "It was fine, Uncle Greg," said Scott. "Is William okay?" asked Greg. Scott shrugged.

Sherlock looked down the hall at the bathroom door the was just locked. He walked down the hall to the bathroom. He put his ear to the door and he heard the tap running. "William?" he asked as he rapped on the door. 

He heard a sharp breath and he tried to open the door, to no avail.

"William?" said Sherlock as he knocked a little harder on the door. "Open the door, William!" said the man. "Sherlock, what's going on?" asked John. "He's cutting again!" said Sherlock as he tried to open the door.

"Shit!" said John as he rushed to get the key to the door while Sherlock  tried to get the boy to open the door. "William! Please, son, open the door!" said Sherlock as Greg came over to help. Scott watched as his god-father tried to get his brother to open the door.

Scott whimpered softly as tears filled his eyes. Greg looked over and saw his other god-son crying. He left Sherlock and went over to the boy. "It's okay, sweetheart!" said Greg as he lifted the boy. Scott his his face in Greg's neck. John looked at Greg and Greg motioned towards the door, silently telling his he was taking him outside. John nodded as he found the key.

As Greg left the flat, John handed Sherlock the key. The taller man unlocked the door and opened it. Immediately dropping to his knees to take the razor from his oldest son. "NO!" cried William as he tried to get the razor from his dad. "Shh," cooed Sherlock as he cradled his sobbing teen.

Johnlock/Mystrade OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora