Chapter 32- Me and My Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"Okay sir, your order will be out in 10 minutes."

"Thank You." He said to the waiter as he departed. Looking at me with he smirk he spoke. "So you don't like ordering for self?"

"Nope I had no problem at all but I like how you took control it was sexy to me." I said with a smile on faced that evidently cause Jay's cheek to rise.

"So you liking it so far?"

"I'm loving it and I'm glad the Benadrly thing came up it kind of lightly the nervousness."

"You were nervous too?" He said raising his eye brows.

"Of course. I am actually out on a date; my first to be exact with a mature man."

Sitting back in the car I realized his manly area moved which made me felt good. I knew he was relaxed now.

"So after this where are we going?" I said picking up my glass of water.

"If you want to we can walk around its all up to you."

"How far is Marcy's project?"

"Not to far but I am not taking you."

"Why? I thought it was all up to me?"

"It is; everything but that!"

"Okay so you can decide."

"A night stroll would be good." He said looking at me as he begin fumbling with his plate.

I started eating, taking quick glances at him from time to time.

"I would like it. It would be very romantic."

We sat down and ate our food peacefully, from time to time complimenting the meal and making small talk about how busy our week was. After we were done the waiter came and bring Jay the check.

As I gathered my things I realized that he didn't do the same things as the other persons. He paid in cash and not with a credit card. What was even more surprising was that some of the things in his past never changed. Although he had a wallet in his back pocket he still had thousands of dollars wrapped up in a rubberband.

After we payed he wrapped my jacket around me and we went south of the resturant.

Shawn POV

Everything between Beyonce & I was feeling right. For the first I had taken a girl on a date. I actually sat down in a resturant and had a mature conversation with a woman. What was so puzzling about Bey was the fact that she was wise and intelligent for such a young girl. As we strolled down the pavement we enjoyed holding hands and the privacy we had. I checked my watch and realized it was only 10pm. So I decided it would be a perfect time to mention the living situation.

"So have you thought about moving in NYC?"

"A little bit. I wanna do it for my 21st birthday but I haven't talk about it with my dad."

"Why not? Did you even let your dad no about me?"


"Why not? Everyone knows there is someone how don't they no about it for you?" I said becoming a little bit annoyed.

"Jay I really don't wanna hear all the reason why you are the wrong one and why I should NOT be with you. I have given my parents control over everything but my relationship its between me and the one I am with."

"Relationship? We have a relationship now?"

"Hmmm.. Well you did pretty well on our official first date and I have to say I never had this much fun in my life, but that doesn't mean you get in that easy."

"As long as I get to please you whenever I am with it. So should we go looking at condo's?"

"Hmm.. I will go by myself. Unless we are dating and moving steps ahead towards forever you are not gonna see my place."

"I respect and I am willing to obey."

Beyonce POV

We walked hand and hand as we started moving back towards the car. This man had everything I wanted. He had the good charms, the right flow and that gangsta swag that gave me comfort. I loved how I made him get intouch with his emotions and I loved how he always took over situations like a man should.

We talk all the way back to the car until we arrived. As we reached to the passenger side of the car Jay took me by the waist and turn me around facing him. I was waiting for this. I could kiss his lips all day all night.

"I really enjoyed this night." I said looking from one eye to another.

"I enjoyed it as well." He said smashing his lips into mines unannounced. I took in kiss like my life depended on it. As our lips moves in sonic with eachother's I creeped my hands around his neck as he gripped above my ass! As the kiss prolonged I started to tip toe trying to crawl my tongue in his mouth. It was all so right. The kiss became intense as I became sloppy. I wanted to not only a mark on his heart but on face. As he secured his tongue in my mouth I pulled away bite the tip of his neck leaving a mark. The rush became sexual as I pushed my hips back at the sensual feeling between my legs.

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