Wrong Place, Right Mission

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It was 1949, and one go-getter woman with a dream in her heart and a hankering in her soul to help her fellowman was on a mission.

Katherine V. Batten was her name, and cultural and community projects were her game. From hosting radio programs to putting on one act plays to community service activities for several organizations, everything she did was top-notch in the eyes of her beloved community. It seemed nothing was going to slow this lively lady down.

That is, until, one day things started to go a little sour for Mrs. Batten. She was overcome with aches and pains in her back. The kind of aches and pains that could leave you feeling like your world has been turned upside down. When nothing she tried seemed to ease her pain and her ability to keep helping her community could be at stake, she decided it was time she received a little help herself. 

After a little digging, she found that the closest place to go for rehabilitation services was in Milwaukee. To her, this was not only an inconvenience, but an injustice to the people in her community. What about individuals without means of transportation or individuals who need travel assistance? What were they supposed to do? And at that very moment her mission to help her community became crystal clear... she would open the first organization in Racine to offer physical therapy and rehabilitation services.

 she would open the first organization in Racine to offer physical therapy and rehabilitation services

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