They then came to a door that was locked. Laurance looked to his partner who pulled out a tool to force the door open. In a few moments, it came crashing down to the floor. The room was dark and looked larger than the other ones they came across.

"Stay out here and keep guard. I'll scope it out,", He told the partner who nodded.

Laurance slipped into the room and tried his best to see what it was with his pathetic gun light. He identified a chair with straps by the wrists and ankles, a large filing cabinet, an old box TV on one side of the room, and a few boxes of tapes.

"Teony...I think I found something. You should come see this,", Laurance informed her but, their was no response. Just white noise coming from the other side. He brushed it off as some connection error and decided to dig deeper. He opened up a few filing cabinets, pulling out piles of folders. Luckily, the table holding the TV had enough room for him to lay a few out flat. He also decided to grab a tape to read the label on it. He had trouble getting the light to work in the right angle so he called out for his partner who immediately rushed in.

"I need you to give me some light,", He said. The young woman held the light up so he could read the handwriting in the folder.

"Project Leader" was stamped onto the front of the folder like the one Blaze had previously found, signaling to Laurance that he was in the right place. He opened it and saw that it was filled with reports. Whether it be health of the patient, behavior, or what they called "readings", it made Laurance feel nauseous knowing that they were talking about Garroth. He didn't read too much knowing that he might get bother even more if he did. He went to the next folder and saw it was the same project. The whole pile was in fact. It then hit Laurance that the many cabinets of files, were all about Garroth. He then went to the tape and it's written label was read as;

"February 24th, 2025 — The Sparks"

"Why would all this stuff be here?", Laurance asked quietly out loud.

"I suggest you play it might be something else,", The woman said, pointing to the TV.

Laurance hesitated, knowing this might very well be disturbing to him.

"Call Teony down here if you can. She probably wants to see this too,", He said, personally just needing more mental support. She nodded and left after Laurance put the tape in.

He turned on the television and what came on was the same room he was in. He looked up and pointed his light to see the same camera in the left corner of the room where it must've recorded this. It wasn't that long before some man with a lab coat came, going to a desk that wasn't there when Laurance entered the room. He was going through some papers before Laurance heard the door open again. Two men were holding someone by the arms on both sides while their wrists were handcuffed behind them. They seemed to go along with it, like they were done struggling at this point. A bag was over their head so Laurance couldn't exactly identify them. The man in the lab coat directed them to the chair and they unlocked the person's handcuffs to only strap them into the chair. 

"You two are dismissed. I'll call you back to take him again once I'm done."

The two guards nodded before exiting the room. Then, the camera view switched and Laurance was now on the right side of the them with the filing cabinets in the background. He watched as the man ripped the bag off the person's head and Laurance froze seeing that it was Garroth but, in terrible condition. Even worse than what they found him as. He looked hallow and fragile, like he could break at any moment. His hair was messily pulled back into a bun and his skin was still pale. The camera then switched again to the left side of them and Laurance saw the burn scar. It looked red and Laurance could count where all his blisters had been. It was all over his left side including his arm and top of his hand.

Shadows Lingering//A Glaze AU//Sequel to 'A Superhero's Heart'Where stories live. Discover now