3. Why can't I swear by the moon?

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Why can't I swear by the moon,
When the tarnished treasure has been embodied by mad-men/poets to swoon?
When I can sing lullabies in the lap of mist and croon–
you out of your disgruntled daydreams and nefarious nightmares in the crystal clear month of June?

Why can't I swear by the moon,
When Avon tooted his tragedies touted as a tune,
And made Artemis Aphrodite for the loon,
And the hearts being stolen by the lovers/goons?

Why can't I swear by the moon,
When I can be piquant from a prosaic at noon,
When I can be a catspaw from a cadger for you to impugn,
When I can be a neck to your noose hanging on the poon?

Why can't I swear by the moon?
When my blemishes will shine through the runes,
When my lake will bring tranquillity ebbing at the dunes,
When my light will be the commemorated more than Helios' reflection upon my skin of spoon?

Why can't I swear by the moon?
When I can be blue and honey, fine and untune,
When you can show your delight over me,
When you can ask for the impossible by asking for me,
When you can promise the inconceivable by promising me?

I want to swear by the moon,
I dare not swear by her brother who mars,
Who cons his presence by his proximity,
And calls other suitors the stars.

I want to swear by what I can see,
Who lets me admire it without blinding me,
Who lets me embrace my own skin,
Who makes me feel akin–
to her sweet summer's song while I play the poems on the violin.

                   ✩。:*•.───── 🌙 ─────.•*:。✩

I don't why but I don't like the moon being tainted as a villain. We already have a changing colours/chamaeleon metaphor for it, why bother troubling the thing that doesn't even emit its own goddamn light. Anyway, this poem was totally not inspired by GOT7 and more by Shakespeare.

Thank you for reading my sad pathetic poems. Please press that star thing on the bottom-most left corner to avail a permanent entry in the list of people I don't hate.

 Please press that star thing on the bottom-most left corner to avail a permanent entry in the list of people I don't hate

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