Chapter 1

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Hello everyone. This is the first chapter hope you like it.

And I can't believe I'm doing this but I did promise my friends I'd publish this when my other story earned 600+ views. And I do not go back on my word.
Chapter 1

"What's the use of you then?" Tony Stark asked, the venom dripping from his voice. All of his anger was directed at the person sitting in front of him, Loki, while Peter Parker was laying down, critically injured. 

One year had passed since Thanos's attempt at destroying half of the life in the universe but apparently that was just a trigger for all alien life forms. An invitation that Earth is open for attacks. 

This was one of those attacks. The Avengers fought valiantly and managed to finally defeat the alien army with the help of the guardians but that didn't mean there weren't damages. Many of them were gravely injured and were being transported back to the medical facility. 

Loki had been fighting alongside them for the better part of twelve hours. He was exhausted and could barely keep his eyelids open. His magic was severely depleted and he was injured with many burns and deep wounds covering his torso. It was in this condition that Loki along with Tony had found Peter Parker hurt and surrounded by a pool of blood. 

As they came closer they saw that his condition was worse than envisaged. His neck and left shoulder were victims of fire. His arm was twisted at an odd angle. But the worst was the gaping hole in his stomach. 

Tony quickly tried to stop the bleeding, "Come on, Loki. Do your magic. Heal him."

"What? Stark, I can't heal him. I can barely heal myself."

Tony gave him a look filled with so much hate that Loki had to fight off the urge to flinch. Then he spoke those words that stabbed Loki more than anything. 

"What's the use of you then?"

Loki knew that none of the Avengers wanted him on Earth. It was only out of respect and camaraderie to Thor that made them agree. He was certain though that the arguments that Thor spoke in Loki's favor was the only reason they agreed no matter how begrudgingly they ended. 

They lived in the Avengers’ Tower. Thor had taken to rebuilding Asgard with the remaining Asgardians. No one except for Bruce Banner actually spoke to Loki aside from a few words from the Captain every so often. 

Once again Loki was back to square one. Back to being Thor's unwanted brother, a nuisance, just a thing in Thor's shadow. Someone despised, unwanted. Thor couldn't be bothered either. He had jobs as a king and his little brother's petty problems could wait. 

It would have been understandable if the Avengers didn't trust him. Given his personality, no one would. But that was not the case here. They didn't mistrust him, they hated him. 

Loki didn't like this. How was he any different than most of them? Wanda Maximoff was against the Avengers until she switched sides. Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff were basically assassins and Stark was an arms dealer before he decided to do good. And yet they looked at him as if they were Saints and he was Satan himself.

But that was the point wasn't it? It was never about what he had done, it was just because he was Loki. This was the universe's way of showing him that he didn't belong anywhere. That he will always be unwanted, unloved and a complete nobody. It was his fate and would never change no matter how much he tried. 

He really should’ve been grateful. He had a roof over his head, warm bed, food. But all his life Loki had only wanted to be accepted. To be loved just as much as Thor. People's opinions always mattered to him. Every word spoken against him, every dirty look sent his way was like a dagger in his heart. 

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