Chapter 0

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Smile and laugh. A simple and easy way to get through the day for Alexa. Especially being a worker in the small bakery her parents owned for a while now, she needs to present herself as pleasantly as possible.

At the age of 14, Alexandra Jane Forte singlehandedly manage the entire bakery, with her being the manager and only worker. With her parents growing old, she is needed to do her best to support them, even if it means postponing school and dedicated her whole time in the bakery.

She doesn't really mind, she actually enjoy this kind of life.

Alexa smile at the customer leaving, telling them goodbye and watching them walk out through the door, the light clink of the bell posted above the door echoed softly.

Her blue eyes scanned the room, noting the used plates on one of the tables, she went near it and started stacking it neatly, her other hand pulled out a small cloth from her small bag on her waist and quietly scrub off the crumbs.

Everything was the same as always. And Alexa genuinely believe that things will forever be like this. She likes this peaceful life, days spent in this small, yet comfortable bakery serving customers that come and go, and would end with spending the night with her parents.

But fate likes to prove her wrong, once more.

The light chime of the small bells rang lightly, snapping Alexa from her thoughts. Immediately, a welcoming smile morphed on her face when she face the customers.

Maybe at the total of seven, men in black suits came in without a word. None were wearing a smile or seems to be there for some homemade pastries, so confusion and suspicion emerge inside her. And the fact that men immediately brighten up when they saw her made her instincts to kick in, but she keep her motives subtly.

"Miss Alexandra Jane Forte?" One of them voiced out.

She picked up the mild accent from him, a bit familiar to her. And with a frown, Alexa lowered her voice in a threatening manner, "... Who are you and what do you want from me?"

The cases of... a group of men in black causing troubles in many shops was somewhat frequent in this side of the town, especially in this street. She was honestly glad that the bakery was never targeted, but it seems like it wouldn't be the case now. If they are those people...

Her eyes sharpen even more at the possibility.

Maybe they picked up the mood, as the man in the middle gestured the others to back down immediately. They were talking in a different language, mumbling at each other for a moment, before returning their attention back to Alexa. "Please be at ease, Miss Forte. My name is Jason, and we are here under the order of our young master."

Again, the accent was oddly familiar to her. And young master? The only one that she knows with that title is... "Are you... perhaps talking about Alex? Saotome Alex?"

Jason nodded as an answer. Immediately, Alexa lowered her guard once she saw him pulled out a picture of a boy that is very identical to her. The hair, as well as the eyes were a total copy of her own, the only difference is the hair length.

That actually explains the familiar accent from these men, it's the same as the ones from Alex's Japanese parents. Although it was eight years ago, the accent was still clear for her, for many reasons.

Alexa cracked up an apologetic smile and immediately gesture them to nearby empty seats. "I am so sorry for my attitude earlier, Mister Jason. I was just a bit paranoid..."

She waited for them all to sit before running back to the counter and pulled out different pastries and glasses of juice. By the time she placed down the tray of goods, she sat down in front of Jason and silently gesture him to state his purpose.

As delightful as it is to have many customers right now, it's still a bit odd once you know that these people flew from the other side of the world just from Alex's order. Just how important this is for him to send out a bunch of his bodyguards here in Italy?

"How well is your Japanese, Miss Forte?"

Okay... a bit different from what I expected but sure, I guess. Alexa shrugged a bit, "I am well knowledgeable with the basics. Though, I find it terribly difficult to speak that fluently in one go."

She silently cringe at the slight accent of her Japanese. Her hands grab a hold of a glass and sipped it to hide the frown from her face. Her mother tongue is obviously Italian, and her father would always teach her English. Japanese, however, was something she had tackled on her own not too long ago.

"I... I see. Then we must work on that as well, huh..."

Alexa crooked her brow at the soft mumble of the man. She only caught a few words, but it was enough for her to get it's meanings. "Is there something you want tell me, sir? Why must I work on my Japanese?"

"Ah, apologies," he chuckled briefly. He pulled out a neat white envelope from his pocket and handed it to her, "Young Master Alex wants to inform you a wonderful news. After years of looking, my Master had finally found a hospital for him."

Quietly, Alexa accept the envelope, eyeing it for a moment, before deciding to read it later. She placed it down and proceed to direct her attention to the man in front of her.

It took eight years. Eight years, for them to find a hospital that is for Alex. Joy slowly began to bubble up inside of her as the thought of him finally getting better. After all, throughout their childhood, Alex showed a minimum amount of energy and was forced to be bedridden after playing for too long. She and her parents even took him to many hospitals but none can confirm what was wrong with his body.

But it seems like Alex will finally get better soon. All thanks to the Saotomes.

Alexa smiled, "Thank goodness! Alex always wished to get better, even before he was adopted. Please deliver my gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Saotome, sir!" She can finally be at ease after this. The only problem now is--

She caught a glimpse of trouble in his smile, as she grew to worry about it's meaning, she straighten herself and looked him directly, "There's more, isn't it?"

Jason nodded, "Young Master Alex will have to file an early reminder to his school about his upcoming absences, it was estimated to be more than 4 months. By the looks of it, he would have to repeat a year."

Reputation. The Saotomes worried for the reputation of their family, and that included Alex. Although personally, Alexa doesn't see the problem with repeating a year, it seems to be a crucial thing for a prestigious family.

But wait a minute... How does this includes her Japanese? In fear for her assumption to be true, Alexa was conflicted on whether or not she should ask him about it. She lightly bit her lower lip as she slowly look up to him. "And the reason why you're telling this to me is..."

Jason's lips tugged upward in a wide manner, "Young Master actually suggested something--"

Oh dear...

"-- Something that we didn't really considered." He patted the white envelope in front of her lightly.

Alexa gulped quietly as she maintain a calm exterior. She could barely contain the disbelief from showing. Her stomach slowly felt like aching as her fingers were itching to scratch her thighs underneath the table. Please don't let it be what I think it'll be!!

"He said: Why not have my dear twin sister, Alexa pretend to be me while I am confined in the hospital?"

Oh dear lord. My brother is basically saying that I should be his substitute!

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