Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Wh-what?!?" I asked hoping I had heard wrong.

"I.... Want.... You.... DEAD!" he sneered leaping for me.

I changed and moved right before he could make contact with me. How could my own BROTHER try to kill me!?! Only one answer came to mind, 'My father ruined him'.

Blake tried every thing to bring me down only he forgot one teeny tiny little detail I'm part vampire, there for my senses are ten times better than his. I tried not to hurt him too bad, but when he bit me on my back breaking a bone my wolf went crazy. Another funny thing is my vampire side took over as well, so I looked like a wolf on steroids. My canines needle sharp my sight, hearing, and smelling kicked up a notch and my eyes were blood red. He seemed a little bit frightened at first but that soon changed to pure hate. He growled low on his throat and stepped forward. I growled and stepped forward also just to show my dominance. He involuntary took a step back and whined, while I continued to growl. Hey who would've guess that having an alpha male as a dad an a freaking queen vampire as a mother gave me so much power, hehe I have to use this to my advantage.

I grabbed him by his throat and held him down until his tail went between his legs and he lowed his ears in submission.

"I suddgest you learn you place pup." I scowled, he looked like he wanted to growl or say something but thought better of it.


After I cleared my head I headed home only to find my dad an Blake on the front porch waiting for me. Please heavenly sprits strike me down now please..... I beg of you!!

"How dare you attack my son!" my father said.

"Well, Matthew," I said using is real name, which seemed to tick him off.. Hehe, oh well. "Blake came to me and said he wanted me dead so I used self defense."

"You had no right to attack him, he is my son and a future alpha, you will show him some respect." he said and that right there mad me snap.

"Oh my bad, I didn't mean to hurt your pride and joy it's not like I'm your daughter or something. Why do you treat him so perfectly?!? I'm ten times stronger than that pup and you left me! All because I was part vampire! Which not sure if you've noticed makes me freaking powerful! I made your little soon-to-be alpha show submission to ME! He submitted to ME! So take your stupid pride an shove it." I said and stormed off angrily.

Storming into my room I threw lamps and books until it looked as if a tornado had hit my room. Breathing heaving I fell onto my bed and screamed onto my pillow. I laid on my bed in my messy room for god knows how long until I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled, and Kyle, Jace, and Kishan walked in.

"Wanna go for a run?" Kyle asked sitting on my bed.

"Sure, why not." I muttered getting up and following them outside.


We ran until we reached a meadow covered with flowers. I let the breeze blow through my fur, breathing in a strong woodsy smell and it calmed me. Laying in the middle of the meadow I fell asleep.


I ran through the fog, loving the moist feeling on my skin. I could feel the rocks pricking the bottom of my feet. I ran until I was at the edge of a waterfall. I heard foot steps behind me and turned around.

"Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone there?"

"Ember? Oh no, I tried so hard to keep you safe."

"Mom? Mom!"

"I'm so sorry Ember." she said crying.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked taking a step forward.

Then it changed, I was standing in the middle of the forest. Bodies were every where, blood covered my body. I saw everyone I loved, my mom, Kyle, Jace, and Kishan. I saw vampires, humans and shifters alike.

"See what you've done? Your a killer! This is all your fault!" someone snapped behind me.

"No, I couldn't have. I loved them. I couldn't have done this." I cried looking at my father.

"This is why I left you, your a killer and I knew it. I tried to kill you but your mother couldn't see the monster that you are." he snapped.

"No. Your wrong! I'll prove it to you!" I screamed and he disappeared.

Suddenly I was back in my old house with my mom. She was so happy, she looked down at my younger self. I was so innocent, so pure. Then people stormed in a snatched me up. My mother screamed and tried to fight them, but she soon failed and laid in a pool of her on blood.

"No, this can't be." I whispered as tears ran down my face.

"See, your a monster and you only bring pain to everyone." my father said stepping out of the shadows.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why?" I said looking up at him.

"To show you what you really are." he said and he faded away.

~End of Dream~

I woke with silent years streaming down my face. The wind was blowing my hair away from my face. I felt sad and broken. What if it's true? Am I the reason my mom died? Will everyone I love die because of me? Questions like these filled my head as I cried. I can't- no I WON'T let that happen. I told myself this over and over until I was determined to keep everyone I love alive and safe. Wiping my eyes I stood up. Thats when remembered I wasn't alone. Turning in a full circle I saw Kyle asleep to my left, Jace on my right, and Kishan behind me. Thank god they're not awake! Why couldn't my dad just stay away? Why couldn't I just be normal? Better yet why couldn't I have just not been born or died while I was a slave? I low growl brought me out of my thoughts, turning towards the woods I saw six wolves walking towards me. Rouges! One stood out, he was bigger than the rest and had black fur. He must be the alpha. Ugh why does this have to happen to me?

The black wolf came closer snapping his teeth. I shifted and backed up only to step on Kishan, oops. He bolted up and grabbed my arm, looking behind me he dropped my arm and walked in front of me in a defensive manner. Stupied boy! Sighing I looked down and saw some beautiful rocks. Shifting I picked two up, I threw them and Jace and Kyle, they both jumped up and stared daggers into me until they saw the real danger and stiffened. The rouges stopped moving and looked at us. The black one growled loudly and pounced on Kyle.

No! No! No! This is not going to happen! I will not let this happen. Not while I'm around. Leaping and shifting back into my wolf, I collided with the black wolf and took him down. The rest came at us full force. We were out numbered and badly. More rouges joined the fight and now it was four to like twelve. That's so cheating!

Jumping out of reach.... Again I charged and slid under the black wolf, while nipping at his under belly. Turning around he grabbed me by my neck and threw me down. Thrashing in his hold, I finally managed to break free. I was so mad, my eyes changed from normal to blood red and I grabbed his tail and pulled. He growled and tried to bite my face! WTF that's my face you douche! Ugh I'll get you for that!!!

I dodged all his attacks until I saw an opening and grabbed him by his throat and clamped down. I couldn't break his neck! What the hell is his bones made out of damn metal?!? Ugh! I just but harder and harder until I heard a crack. I waited until he stopped moving. My muscles were tired, but I kept fighting because I couldn't let my family die. Not for me, I wouldn't let that happen. We fought for what seemed like hours, but was really only a few minutes. Finally there were all either dead or the fled. My paws hurt, my right shoulder had a piece of flesh missing and I looked more like a red cherry wolf than a white one. I collapsed, I couldn't walk any further. I just laid there as Kishan, Jace, and Kyle watched me with sad eyes. I finally closed my eyes and let darkness take over.

Tell meh whatcha think hommies!! Love yas! Hope you enjoyed!!

I'm sexy and I know it!!! Hehe wobble baby wobble baby wobble!!

^_^ Hehe ^_^ <3 <3 <3

Say cheese. Puh-lease!!

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