• fifteen •

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the moment replayed in jihoon's head as he waited for soonyoung to finish his classes. i want you to be mine, is what soonyoung had said and it felt like he meant it but jihoon couldn't help but worry about if he was lying. but why would he be?

the door clicked open and jihoon rolled over in bed pretending to sleep. if he avoided soonyoung he could avoid his feelings for him too. soonyoung walked back to jihoon's room and saw him sleeping he just smiled a bit and went back to the living room and sat down to do homework.

had he gone too far? soonyoung began to worry, had he pushed too much? he just knew what he wanted and asked for it but now he was nervous that he had asked too much. soonyoung hated to admit that he already liked the boy and was oddly drawn to him and quite frankly the baby had nothing to do with it. it just happened to be the reason to bring them together but it didn't interfere with soonyoung's love for jihoon.

jihoon sat back up when he heard soonyoung leave his room and tried doing schoolwork again. he hated himself for not being able to focus because all he could think about was this morning with soonyoung's breath on his lips and his gentle words. he let out an aggravated groan which alarmed soonyoung.

soonyoung spring up off the couch and entered the room to see jihoon very much awake working on schoolwork. he sighed as he realized that jihoon was fake sleeping but it made him sadder not knowing why.

"are you alright?" soonyoung asked and jihoon just nodded in response.

"okay, can i ask you something?" soonyoung looked at jihoon with pleading eyes and jihoon just nodded.

"do you like me?" soonyoung asked as he stared at his feet and jihoon was taken aback.

of course he liked him, what was there to not like? yet jihoon couldn't decide if he actually liked the boy or if he was just drawn to him because he was taking care of jihoon and the baby. he let out a sigh.

"i don't know.." jihoon muttered and soonyoung nodded.

"well when you know, tell me. until then i'm gonna win you over and take care of our baby!" soonyoung chimed rather loudly then left the room, closing the door behind him.

jihoon slumped down in his bed and put his head back onto his pillows and let out a sigh. he subconsciously put his hand on his stomach and just stared at the ceiling.

"what have i gotten myself into?"

• author's notes •

hiii im writing this like 10 minutes after waking up so if there's spelling errors my bad my phone's autocorrect sucks.. i hope you're all enjoying! i see that we have a lot of new readers which im quite glad about so if you're new, hello!!


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