Chapter 14 Flirting

Start from the beginning

"I'll need you to make sure that there is coffee and muffins or donuts for those morning meetings and also the agenda sheets for that day."

Just smile and Nod to him make it look like you know what he is talking about, I said over and over in my head.

"I will also need you to make some notes as well on what was said in the morning meeting. You will also be by my side at those meetings as well as our conference meetings. For those conference meetings, I will need you to do a lot more preparation but I'll get into that another day explaining what will be needed, I don't want to scare you off on your first day of work."

He squeezes my hand for reinsurance as he smiled down at me.

His eyes are so dreamy to look into.

Ok, I think I can do this, it doesn't sound too hard.

Maybe I'll get the hang of all of this and he will never know that I had lied to him.

Maybe I'll get the hang of all of this and he will never know that I had lied to him

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From the meeting room, we continued walking and he continued talking.

"Oh and here is a place we like to call getting out of jail free card. (He starts to laugh at what he said) I know you must be wondering why we call that room that."

"Ya, I kinda am it's an unusual name to be calling an office space," I said with this weird look on my face.

He laughed once again, "We call it by that name because I let everyone who has an office space to come here and relax and do their work in here or even have their lunch. I understand from experience that it can get really stuffy working in your office space for 8 to 10 hours and sometimes you just need that new atmosphere to clear your mind."

I blinked my eyes over and over and my mouth was wide open as I was in shock at what he was saying.

This was a surprise to me.

I was used to what Mr. Cooper would say about his employees.

He would say that there was no fun and games at the office and if anyone would step out of line that he or Brian would set them back in place.

They believed that they needed to be firm with their employees so they wouldn't try to walk all over them.

But this man before me was an angel in my eyes.

He truly cares about his workers, which to me makes him 100 times better than any other boss that is out there.

Just by looking at him, I can tell that he is truly kind-hearted and wouldn't hurt a fly, yes I can see that most of his body must be full of tattoos and with the earings which make him look like a bad boy but honestly, I dont think he is a man that would be mean or curl to others I think he is sweet and caring.

"Are you ok Brooklyn?"

"What?" I said shaking my head trying to get out of my daydream.

"You looked like you were lost in thought, I'm not scaring you am I by showing you everything? I dont want you to feel overwhelmed in any way."

"Oh no Im fine (I gave him a smile) I'm just excited to be working here with you."

Oh shit, I didnt mean to say it like that.

"I mean working here with everyone." I tried saying to correct myself.

"You're not happy to be working with me?" He had replied giving me these puppy dog eyes.

"Oh I am like my God who wouldn't want to work with you, wait I mean oh forget ya I'm happy."

I gave up, I was just digging my grave deeper and deeper.

Stephen pulled me in closer towards him and leaned his face towards my ear, "I'm very happy to hear that you are happy to be working with me and I promise you this I'm also happy to be working very closely with you."

And at that moment I felt HOT............


Oh, the flirting has started.

But I have to say one thing and I want to hear your comments on this one Do you think Stacy/ Brooklyn has good judgment when it comes to people?

Love to hear your thoughts and when I have heard a few I will tell you mine 🙂

Love to hear your thoughts and when I have heard a few I will tell you mine 🙂

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