Chapter 15

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"What do you mean?" I push him aside as I start grabbing our things.

"Don't question me and just pack" I snap at him grabbing some clothes and changing in the bathroom.

I change into an over sized hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans.

"What the hell happened at the party? And why do you look like shit?" I roll my eyes and put my hair into a high ponytail.

"Because I can't trust anybody besides you and Giovani" I snap and zip up my suitcase and tucking a gun in my waistband.

"Giovani is dead Silvia" he says confused.

I shake my head "See for yourself in the car" I say putting my hood up and leaving the room.

"What happened?" He asks as we head back to the stairs.

The fucking stairs.

I give him my suitcase as he's carrying his duffle bag.

"Dax is a traitor and so is Jones" I almost growl out.

"Dax?" He asks confused "How?" I shake my head biting my tongue.

"I will tell you when we get in the car" I say trying to keep my angry at bay.

I wanted to snap all of there necks.

"What about Adrian? Andrea?" Johnny boy asks as we make our way to the car.

"Andrea I know for sure is with them but I don't know about Adrian" I make sure my head is down as make it to the car.

Johnny boy puts our stuff in the truck and gets in.

I point to the back seat and his mouth drops.

"Holy fuck" he says under his breath.

"I need you to call a jet so we can get back to America and get Gio to the hospital there" Johnny boy is still looking at a sleeping Giovani.

I slap his arm snapping him out of it "Now call a fucking jet" I snap and start leaving the hotel.

He nods quickly and gets on the phone.

I still couldn't believe it.

Giovani is hurt badly.

I step on the gas to the airport.

Johnny boy giving me directions as he gets the jet.

I felt my rage slowly coming to life.

My hands tighten on the steering wheel.

My traitor of a father and cheater of a husband.

How fucked up is this.

We pull into the private airport and park the car.

Johnny boy helps Giovani out as I grab our bags.

A male doctor coming over to help Johnny boy with Gio.

I was in raged.

They all will have a long agonizing death.

I can't wait to wrap my bare fingers on his neck and watch the life go out of him.

We get onto the plane as the doctor start wrapping bandages around Gio.

They're all dead to me.

My biological Papà taking me under his wing only to betray me.

What a piece of shit.

Can I not have a good father?

After a few hours we arrive in California.

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