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"Dammit" He says cleaning the blood of his busted lip. This girl is much more trouble than she's worth.

"I don't want to meet any other person!" Alyssa screamed. She's tired, she just wants her mommy and these men just keep showing her to those creepy men that just scares her. She continues to cry, hanging onto the one person that she has come to like.

"She clearly doesn't want to be sold Ivan, we need to think of something else to do with her" the one with the bad eye said. He was tired of this. It was the fifth time and she almost took the buyers eye out, gave Clarence a busted lip and is cowering behind Donovan.

They have to figure out what to do with this chit and soon. The quicker they sell her, the quicker they get their money.

Ivan stared at the child, she seems so feisty. Whoever gets to buy her would have a lot on his plate, he thought, rubbing his bloated stomach. What if he could do something with her though, something that could get him more money, something that would guarantee that he continues to get more money.

Yes, he thought, that's an amazing idea. They could do it, refurbish this little hide hole they had, expand it. This bunker would be perfect, no one would know, only those invited.

Arrange one area for the arena, they could call it 'The Pit' yes. They would need more kids, though not younger than her, probably from seven upwards.

This could work. Donovan has experience in combat training and could train her, train them. Make it into a sport, give them a ranking system.

He looked at his men, they could be in on it, help him run it. They would still keep this part of the business but they could expand their business now.

"We're not selling her boys" he said, silencing everything the argument they were having about the little girl. "I have a much better idea that would make us all very very rich" he finished grinning and receiving the same expression in return.

Alyssa was tired and scared. They were all now looking at her with creepy looks except for the bald man. She didn't like how they were all looking at her but she knew that if they try to take her to another creepy man, she'll make sure he never comes back alive.

They may take her away from her mommy but she'll never let them give her to someone else.

*Thank you all for reading my story. Please Vote and comment*

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