Finding out the gender

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'If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own'

Bella's P.O.V

It's been 5 months since we moved into the house and so far it's been great. Today me and Ryder are going to the hospital to get a check up and find out the gender.

Next month we are gonna have a baby shower and tell everyone the gender there, which will be hard because Ryder can not keep a secret to save his life especially if he's exited about it.

At the moment I'm waiting for Ryder to get back from a gang meeting because apparently another gang is trying to steal their shipments. I'm trying to find a tub of ice-cream but I'm having no luck which is shit because this baby lovesss ice-cream and is constantly craving it but only Ben and Jerry's cookie dough or chocolate fudge.

My bump started to show last month and just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I can't wait for this baby to come out so I can cuddle it and stop having these weird cravings like who would have thought pickles and Nutella would taste so nice or wotsits and mayo.

*1 hour later*

Ryder finally got back from his meeting and we were on our way to the hospital where the gang's doctor would tell us the gender of our baby.

Once we got into the room I was told to lift my top up so Dr Harrison could put the gel on my bump.

"Okay so your baby is perfectly healthy and you can find out the gender now if you want?" He asked 

"Ye-" Ryder began but I cut him off before he could continue

"Actually I've changed my mind could you put it in an envelope for us please?" I asked earning a confused look from Ryder, I gave him a look saying 'I'll tell you later'

"Of course" He grabbed an envelope and handed it over to me.

Ryder wiped the gel off my bump for me and pulled my top down. He offered me his hand which I took and pulled myself up. We thanked the doctor and walked out.

"So you gonna tell me your plan?" Ryder asked wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me out.

"Well I was thinking when we have the baby shower we could do the gender reveal as well" I said looking up at him 

"I'm okay with that. Who are we gonna give the envelope to?" He asked smiling down at me 

"I think we should give it to Izzy since she's gonna be the babies auntie" 

"That's a great idea principessa, I'll call her now" He said pulling his phone out


We get home and decided to just watch a movie and cuddle on the sofa. 

*One month later*

It's finally the baby shower and gender reveal. I've never felt more nervous and exited at the same time.

Izzy said she has an amazing gender reveal planned and her and Ava have set the whole baby shower up.

When we walked up to the door we could hear everyone whispering quietly which made me and Ryder chuckle and the lack of subtleness. As we open the door the light turn on and everyone shouts 'surprise' making me laugh and Ryder smile down at me whilst intertwining our fingers together.

I looked around and was amazed the girls did such a good job and I couldn't believe they did all of it in the space of one week. Whilst they were putting everything together at our house we stayed at one of Ryder's many hotels.

When I looked around the room taking everything in.

One a small table was two pots one with pink pegs and one with blue pegs. Just behind that was a sign that said, 'wear your guess'. I picked a blue peg and Ryder picked a pink one because he's set on the idea that the baby is a girl, but I have a feeling it's a boy.

In the middle of the dinning room was a small round table with a stack of chocolate in the shape of cups that had moose on the inside and chocolate strawberries on top as well as chocolate shaped hearts place on them and then drizzled chocolate on the side.

On the same table as the pegs is a glass bowl that has blue and pink post it notes in front of it and a sign that says 'Name suggestion'

Izzy came up to us and told us to close our eyes since it was time to do the baby reveal. Whilst our eyes were closed, she told Ryder to hug me from behind and put his hands on mine then after that was done form a heart with our hands. After a while we heard her shout to everyone else to close their eyes as she gets it ready. I'm guessing they did that because I heard her moving about and the felt something tickle my hand when I realised, she must be painting my hands. She pushed my hands, so they landed on my white t-shirt which me and Ryder were told to wear. She then told us to open our eyes and remove our hands.

When we removed our hands I looked down to see two blue hand prints with a love heart in the middle. I don't think I've ever had a smile this big in my entire life. I looked up to see Ryder already looking at me with a big smile of his own.

"We're having a boy" I whispered to him to which he nodded and gave me a peck on the lips.

Whilst we were so caught up in the moment we didn't even realise that Izzy had gone to get the door due to someone ringing the doorbell. When she walked in I was shocked to see two people I thought wouldn't come especially when neither of them are welcome here.


Yay!! They're having a boy.

I've got three names in mind comment the one you think they should call him:

> Xavier

> Xander 

> Hunter

Thank you for reading. Hope you're enjoying it so far.

If you have any ideas about what should be added feel free to comment. Thank you to all of those who have commented and voted so far, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

I'm going to make the pregnancy quick because something big is going to happen once he is born.

~Ella x

Published 1st July 2020

His one and only | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora