Sheila Bennett

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Sitting down with Sheila Bennett about to explain everything to her gave Elena serious deja vu of when she told "Uncle John" the "truth" and what she wanted from him.


"Hey Uncle John can we talk? An eight year old Elena asked her bio Pop.

"Sure thing sweetheart. What's this about?" John replied while sitting down.

"Okay, so this is going to sound crazy and your probably gonna want to have me committed. But I just need you to listen."

Elena glanced at him and he nodded with a confused and concerned look.

"I have been having visions of the future, in those visions vampires, werewolves, and witches are real, someone is trying to sacrifice me, I have an exact double who hates me, and you and a women named Isobel Flemming are my birth parents."

John stares at Elena wide eyed and open mouthed.

"So anything you'd like to tell me?" Elena asked with a devious smirk that looked wrong on such a young and innocent face.

End flashback

She remembered he was so shook that she got him to agree to weapons and self defense training, all while keeping it from her parents.

That was two years ago and now she's pretty okay in both.

Now it's time to enact the next steps in her plan to save everyone, by telling Shelia most of the truth and asking for her help.

"Hi Mrs. Bennett." Elena greeted.

"Hello child. What can I help you with?" Sheila asked like the sweet grandmother she was.

"Umm... ok... so I kinda have to tell you something." Elena said in a nervous voice.

"Go on." Gram urged with an confused yet comforting voice.

"Okay, just gonna say it. I know the future." Elena says after contemplating whether this was a terrible idea for a moment.

"What?" Sheila blinked

"The future, I know it. Well a version of the future that I could have already affected."

"And why are you telling me?" Shelia asked while looking at Elena warily.

"Well because... I know your a witch, a real one not just wiccan like you tell everyone." Elena swallowed

"Even so, why would you tell me? Unless you need something from me." Shelia finished sternly.

"Right, I forgot how wise you could be. I do want something from you, well multiple things, because I have literally no one else to ask. Your one of only two people that know about me and even one of the other people got the edited version.
Before I even ask, is you helping me a possibility?" Elena rambled then asked after realizing she might be telling her secret for nothing.

"It is a possibility, but I want to know everything. Start from the beginning." Sheila answered

"Ok, well that's one of the things I need the tell you, I can't start from the beginning."

Shelia looked confused.

"I know things and I can say them but when I try to explain how I know them, I literally can't. My brain wont let me, I can't even write it down." Elena explained.

Sheila still looked confused but replied "Well, please explain what you can."

"Ok, so I'm the doppelganger. Which you already knew. I'm sorry about Abby by the way." Elena said apologetically.

"No need to be sorry child, Abby knew what would happen and chose to do the right thing." Shelia assured when a guilty look came on Elena's face.

"Ok, well what you don't know is that the sun and the moon curse is fake."

Shelia looked shocked but didnt interrupt.

"And it's really a curse placed on the son of the vampire Abby desiccated."

Shelia nodded motioning for her to continue.

Elena began her story.

"You see, a thousand years ago in this very town there was a family that consisted of a mother, a father, five sons, and one daughter.
When the youngest son was killed by werewolves after sneaking out to see them on a full moon the mother, who happened to be a very powerful witch wanted to find a way to protect her family and asked a witch from your bloodline to help, when she refused the mother used dark magic instead.
But something went wrong and she turned her children into the first ever vampires, The Originals.
But then, while overcome with bloodlust one of her sons killed someone and immediately fell in pain while his eyes change colors, it was revealed that the mother had an affair with one of the local werewolves and he fathered her child.
When her husband realized this he was infuriated and demanded she fix it.
The mother, full of guilt and revulsion for what she created bound the wolf side of her son, taking away a part of him in the process.
When the son confronted his mother about what she done she refused to undo it and in a fit of magnified rage he killed her.
Terrified that his siblings would abandon him he lied and said that their father killed her for her betrayal.
The husband, after finding out about his wife's death, began hunting the bastard child, and by extension his other children.
Each time his children built a home for themselves the father managed to find them and they fled.
During this time the cursed son scoured the earth searching for a way to break his curse until a witch informed him all he needed was the moonstone, a witch, a werewolf, a vampire and the doppelganger to break the curse put on him."

When Elena finished the story Sheila looked horrified for her.

"So Mrs. Bennet the reason I am here is to prepare." Elena said solemnly.

"Because Niklaus Mikaelson is coming for me."

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