Chapter 39

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As the hours passed by, December and Lilly finally got round to reading about Jules Verne's famous book, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, online. 

"I really do think there is something about this theory, you know Lilly." 

"Hm?" she replied, devouring every word that could be found about the popular book. 

"I said, there's something about our theory. I have a feeling, you know, like a gut feeling, that the Nephilim live there." 

Finally, Lilly turned her head away from the computer and looked at her best friend, "I know. I do too." 

"So, what else does it say?" December asked as she stretched out her body on the bed while Lilly did all the hard work. 

"Something here about there being dangerous gases and giant mushrooms..." 

"Perhaps we ought to contact your dad again and tell him?" 

"Shouldn't we wait for the others to come back first?" 

December rolled her eyes, "Okay. Read me some more while we wait." 

Just as Lilly was about to read aloud, December sat upright, "Actually, look up how the characters got to the centre of the earth in the first place." 

"Erm... it says 'the passage to the centre of the Earth is through the one crater that is touched by the shadow of a nearby mountain peak at noon during the last days of June." 

"Right, well that's no help then." 

"No, but we're not taking this thing word for word, are we? We're just accepting the theory that it is possible to get to the centre of the earth, where the Nephilim caves happen to be." 

"Right," nodded December, "so, if this is the case then people are being sucked into some kind of mirror like vortex and getting stuck there." 

Lilly slumped backwards into her chair, "But how? And why?" 

"I don't know, I really don't know."

"It's been ages and none of them are answering their phones," said Jo a little later as she dialled again and it went straight to voice mail. "I hope there's nothing wrong." 

"I'm sure they're fine, honey. They're undercover, they will have switched their phones off," said Sonya with a smile at her daughter. 

"I don't know," said Meredith, "I'm getting a funny feeling myself." 

"What kind of feeling, Meredith?" asked Rose, "We all know your feelings are usually the real deal." 

"I feel like they've been discovered." 

"Right, that's it. I'm going," said Jo, heading for the door. 

"Woah, wait right there. You're not going alone," said Tabitha who rushed to her side, followed by a few of the Elders. 

"What's going on?" asked Lilly as she and December appeared from her room. 

"Meredith's had one of her feelings about the boys and so I'm not going to hang around here and wait for something awful to happen to them," replied Jo. 

"We're coming with you, then," said December, rushing forward and grabbing her coat and hat, passing Lilly hers at the same time. 

"Can you hold on to it, along with the rest of my clothes? I'd rather change into my raven form." 

December laughed and nodded. 

"Tiffani, you stay here where you'll be safe. I'm going with them," said Sammy, standing and putting a large cape over his shoulders to hide his wings. 

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