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"Ugh" Mick groans as he walked into the bridge.
'Just pulled younger me's head from out of his ass"

"I'm not sure it stuck" Ray comments making Ailee giggle

"Me either" Mick says.
"Then I saw younger Rip change, and I thought, why not give it a shot"

"Surprised you didn't advise your teenage self to not get on a certain boat" Stein says.

"Yeah, me too" Sara says.

"Yak, yak, yaK" Snart gibbers "I thought we were on a clock here"

"Indeed we are" Rip says, "Time, the history from which younger selves were removed, is beginning to set as is evidenced by the change in Clarissa's memory"

"Okay" Jax says. "So how long do we have till these changes stick?"

"No one knows"

"Which is why we need to move swiftly to locate Vandal Savage if any of your lives are to be restored to normal"

"So how long will it take to determine a new location for Savage?" Kendra asks.

"Longer than we have" Rip sighs 
"Fortunately, there is one place in time that we know Savage to be"

"You said he conquered the world in 2166" Mick says.

"You also said it was too dangerous to strike at Savage while he was at the height of his powers" Stein says.

"That it is" Rip says. "But with your younger selves removed from history, we have quite literally run out of time"


London 2166

The waverider started to shake and start to spark as they started getting his from the bombs outside.

"We're gonna need to find a safe place to set down, Gideon" Rip says.

"I don't believe there are any safe places, Captain" Gideon announces.

"Are we over London yet?" Stein asks.

"What's left of it" Rip says.

"Why's London shooting at us?" Ailee asks as she went to the window.. which was a bad idea since she flinched when a bomb almost hit the window. Snart grabbed her elbow and pulled her back.

"It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting" Rip says. "Here in 2166. they've subjugated most of the globe"

"Maybe picking up here wasn't the brightest idea" Sara says.

"Unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of blindly searching for Savage throughout history" Stein says.

"Indeed, we have to target Savage at the time and place that we're certain he will be, which is.." Rip trails off.

"Right before he wastes your family" Mick says and everyone looked at the arsonist. 


"Yes, Mr.Rory, Savage will kill my wife and son in 3 days time, but we can save them and the world by stopping Savage now" Rip says.

"Captain, I've managed to slip beneath their artillery fire" Gideon says after the ships rocks from explosion.

"Set us down on the outskirts of the city, Gideon, near the encampment of the remaining resistance forces" Rip says as everyone lifts their harnesses as they landed. "We are going to need to proceed swiftly:

"I realize your family is in jeopardy, but perhaps some deliberation--" Stein spoke.

"We really don't have the time for that Martin, according to Gideon, Savage is going to be out in the open tonight vulnerable. Now in order to capture him, I require the services of.." Rip trails off.

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