Calum Imagine

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Imagine for @HayleysLittleBird
Hayley's POV
A lot of people have been asking you to do a video with Calum. The boyfriend tag to be exact. You were kinda nervous about the sort, worrying about the hate and such, but you weren't about to let your fans down. After bribing, demanding, asking, whatever you want to call it, Calum to do the video. After he finally said yes you grabbed your camera and set it up. You couldn't even remember his favorite color. Since you lost the challenge, Calum had to tweet off your Twitter.
@yourtwittername: I like poop 💩
After many failed questions later, the video ended.
Hi Hayley, I'm so sorry it's late. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm still accepting requests, so comment if you would like a personal, and don't forget to name the dots. I love you all!

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