Kirishima? [37]

Start bij het begin

I kept going, barely paying attention to where my feet were guiding me. " 600: the test run was a failure. The subject lost complete control and half the staff is gone...I severely underestimated the subject. I don't know what the master will do but one things for certain is that we can not control this thing. Despite his affection for the girl she is no longer human. He should've never allowed her to undergo the operation, she's only 7. After the fight,, Hana became crippled and Asuna...Asuna was lost. I thought that the operation would help return little Hana's and help the master avenge his wife but it did created a monster. I...I don't see any ounce of Hana when I look into the subjects eyes. Hana is gone...this was a mistake..."

I tuned back into reality at the sound of footsteps and I paused the recording to see Dabi. "I found something." 

I raised a brow but followed him nonetheless deeper into the facility where we passed a bunch of empty cells to another long hallway except there was a large heavy duty metal door at the end of the corridor. Coming to a stop in front of the door, me and Dabi glanced at each other apprehensively.

"What if there's something in there..." I uttered.

"Shigaraki said this place has been abandoned for more than a century. Whatever was in there is probably dead by now."

"Fine, then you open it." I hissed causing home to roll his eyes and step forward. After a few seconds, he sweat-dropped, "I don't know how. It will take forever for my flames to melt the metal."

"Oh for Kami's sake." I rolled my eyes and activated first stage or Susanoo. "Step back." I warned.

After a few good knocks, the door busted off it's hinges and fell down, causing the facility to quake from its impact. The room inside was large but very dark which caused Dabi to light ignite his hand with his flames. It took us a while until the loud crunch or something he stepped on caught our attention. He immediately stepped off of it and we stared in confusion and shock at a pile of bones and a skull. Near the bones was a large chain that connected to the floor.

"Now this is interesting." Dabi commented; crouching down to get a closer look. His eyes narrowed at the multiple scratch marks indented into the ground around the corpse. "It almost looks like they were trying to escape?"

My own eyes narrowed at his deductions.
Unconsciously, I raised the recorder and pressed play.

"Day's been two weeks and he's come to a final decision. The subject shall be put down...Because of the subjects regeneration, regular methods are futile. It has been a year  and the subject has finally succumbed to starvation and dehydration. January 30th marks the day of the death of the subject, Hana T-...the child of" The recording cracked out.

Wait that's the day I was born...

"I wonder who were the parents...." Dabi remarked in slight shock whilst I was still speechless.

"How could they do that to a child..." I whispered thinking about what the recording had said prior.

"The same reason your father did what he did to you." A new voice spoke up causing me to summon my katana in defense, spinning around to look at the intruder.

"Who the hell are you." I hissed.

"I'm assuming your Wraith." Dabi exclaimed calmly, his blue flames licking his skin, ready for combat. However the woman didn't answer, instead she stepped into the light and I stiffened at her appearance. She wore a dark cloak with a hood that hid most of her body except her face that was also covered with a strange mask. A mask that was exactly the same as mine. What the...

"You've come far, Izanami."

I tensed at the phrase and took a step forward in the way. "Who are you." I demanded but my brows furrow as she suddenly disappears. "Behind us!" I warn. My intuition tells me to turn around and I strike out with my katana but the woman diverts my weapon. Her hand shoots out gripping mine and Dabi's shoulder harshly.

"Dimension X02."

A bright flash of light blinds us and next thing we know we're laying on the floor groggily. "I think I'm a puke." Dabi grumbled but the sound of receding footsteps made up look up to see the mysterious woman taking off out of the room. "Shit!" I cursed forcing myself up. Me and Dabi cast each other weary looks and we immediately went to chase after her but I halted at the entrance noticing that something was out of place. I looked over my shoulder and realized the bones that were on the ground before were gone. The bones...did she take them?

I shook my head and activated my first stage, and turned heel to catch up with Dabi. We were now running through the forest, chasing a glimpse of Wraiths cloak.

"HANA! MS. JOKE!" A loud familiar voice made my brows furrow in confusion as we seemed to be heading straight toward the direction it came from. Finally breaking the tree line we had seen the woman cross, we came to a halt a few feet from a spiked red haired male.

"You..." The boy whispered in fear upon seeing us.

"Kirishima...what are you doing here..." I unconsciously spoke up masking my concern. If he's here, are the others here? How the hell did they find us?

"Does it really matter why he's here? If he's here then that means those other pesky U.A kids are here and the last thing we need is him running back to them and tattletelling." Dabi grumbled causing my former classmate to turn rigid as tension seeped onto the air. Immediately, I became cautious and snapped my head in the black haired males direction.
I was in no position to fight class A with the state my weapon skills were in right now. I was average at best with my blades and the last thing I needed was to go crazy with Susanoo and become blind for half a day. I released an internal groan at our predicament and knew this day was definitely gonna go to shit.

For fucks sake.

"Dabi, dont. Just leave him, he's not dumb enough to stand up to two league members by himself. We can't risk nearly getting caught again." I warned but Dabi ignored me and took a step forward, his blue flames now licking his skin and lighting up the area.

"Come on Ronin, there's gotta be a reason why he's here. My best bet is they're probably protecting her which means he might no where she is. Besides, even if the heroes come looking for him, I imagine it will be hard to find ashes."

||~Author-samaDecided to drop this chapter early for y'all

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Decided to drop this chapter early for y'all. I'm a spend some time drafting up HDE cause Hiraeths already drafted up. anyways thoughts?

For anyone's who's confused the book is having a crossover with another book of mine. You don't have to read the book to read the cross over. Just know that Hana  and Kirishima a s ms joke are from a diff dimension from a separate Bnha book of mine called Hiraeth. and izanami and dabi Are in that dimension. Wraith is a person they were looking for who sent them to Hana's dimension but now everyone's misunderstanding why they're there. The villains think that Kirishima and them are protecting wraith where as Kirishima thinks they're looking for Hana as Hana has been abducted before by the league.

Samurai |BNHA|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu