The blonde woman then spoke up. "I'm not even going to bother associating myself with your presence. It's horrid and no one wants you anyways." She said in the coldest tone and rolled her eyes, grabbing the hand of the bigger man next to her and placing it on the table for him to see. From this Mike deflated even more, trailing his gaze toward the smallest Cullen.

"What about you short stack? Don't tell me you've taken to? They always say the best things come in small packages." He shot her a wink, to which she cringed, but Mike didn't see it or decided to not acknowledge it. Alice brought her finger to her chin and that's when I felt my stomach drop. Was she thinking about this? No way, she cringed half a second ago.

Her eyes scanned the cafeteria, stopping at mine and holding my gaze before looking back over to Mike. "Is that what you say to yourself to make you feel better?" She replied, her voice chirpy as if she didn't insult him. That's when Klaus couldn't hold his laughter and started cackling at the embarrassing comment Alice said to him.

"Ha ha ha! Oh my god, you see, girls don't even like you man, you're so full of yourself!" He started holding his stomach barely getting the words out, I followed suit chuckling with him and so did the rest of the squad. Everyone looking at us like we're crazy for laughing at Mike.

Seniors started laughing and juniors couldn't even bother caring. The biggest Cullen and Lucy started laughing at Mike and high-fived their smallest sister before shooting a smirk toward him. "That is a no, off you go, I wouldn't want to embarrass you any further." She shooed him off with the flick of her hand and he returned to his table with a bright red face. He looked over at our table seeing our laughter and that's when he must've lost it because he started stomping his way over to our table.

"What the fuck are you all laughing at?!" He yelled at us attempting to intimidate us, however, it'll never work. "What do you think? Are you deaf as well? That was the funniest shit I've ever seen! She got you good and you have the decency to think you're better than us by trying to intimidate us because we're laughing?!" Klaus responded, his face getting a little red.

Mike took Klaus' shirt collar and tried to drag him out of his seat. Klaus, however, didn't take shit from anyone, especially some prissy stuck-up popular boy. He pushed Mike's hands off of his shirt and promptly told him; "Get your hands off me, and don't ever think about touching me!" Then pushed Mike back.

As Mike was about to retaliate, I got out of my chair and pushed him and Klaus back. "Look boys, you're both pretty but don't wanna fight here. I mean I kinda do but that's beside the point. Just because your dumbass can't handle a joke, doesn't mean you have the right to lash out at someone else. Now back the fuck off." Luckily he listened to me and stepped back.

"You want a fight? You got one. After school." With that, he left back to his table. I rolled my eyes and looked back over to our table. I picked my stuff up and headed towards the door not sparing a glance at anyone in the cafeteria.

We started walking down the hallway toward Anthony's class. "Are we gonna fight him?" Klaus spoke as we leaned against the lockers next to the door. "I dunno." I shrugged. It wasn't my intention but if he throws the first punch I'm all in.

"It depends if he gets his friends involved, if he goes for you, it's your fight, if he goes for me, it's mine. His friends try something, we get involved." I told him. "And Ant, don't get involved. Stay the furthest back, even if it means sticking with the new kids."

"Okay (Y/n), I trust you." He stuck his hand out and I gently grabbed it before letting go. The bell then rang and we got Anthony into class and then went to be late for my class. When I walked in, the history teacher was awesome, as I've said before that he might be my favorite, and he's already proving my point. I went down to the back where Alice was waiting for me, sat down, and dropped all my stuff to quickly look at her.

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