treinta y nueve.

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"Ari?" Cairo's voice surprised me as we laid next to each other on the couch. I had been absentmindedly brushing her hair and she'd been so quiet that I thought she'd fallen asleep.

It had been a few days since I'd met her grandparents and I'd been spending more time with Cairo at home, even when Mahdi wasn't there.

I propped myself up with one arm while I looked down at her, "Yes Cai?"

"Do you love me?" She whispered conspiratorially.

My breath hitched at the abruptness of the question. "Of course I love you! Where is this coming from?"

"Ummm, do you love daddy too?" Cairo giggled, avoiding my question.

I laughed along with her, snuggling her close. "I love you both very much, why do you ask?"

"I love you too." Cai sighed deeply; her voice didn't possess the same pep that it did a few minutes ago.

Instead of letting it go, I pulled both of us up and placed her on my lap, "What's wrong Princesa? You can tell me."

"Ari?" She asked again while peeking over my shoulder, no doubt looking out for her dad who had gone to the gym.

I smiled at her, "Cairo?"

"Do you love me like a friend or like how mommy McStuffins loves Doc McStuffins?" My heart dropped at her question, it only sunk further as the forlorn expression clouded her beautiful features.

Without much thought, I hugged her as tightly as I could, "Just know that I love you with my whole entire heart okay, Cai? My whole heart." I couldn't do anything to stop my voice from faltering.

Much like her father, Cairo had way of catching me off guard and boring into my soul. I hoped that my answer was enough for the little girl; I didn't want to confuse her or overstep any boundaries. It would have to suffice until I talked to Mahdi about it.

"Your whole heart?" Cairo asked, awestruck.

I chuckled softly, hoping that she wouldn't notice the tears in my eyes. "My whole heart, Cai. I promise."

"If I love you with my whole heart can I still love daddy with my whole heart?" Her voice chimed, quizzical as ever.

The entire exchange was laughable, only inasmuch as I was the last person that anyone should ever ask about love. "Of course you can Cai, I think that we should love all of our family with our whole hearts, just like they love us." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Okay!" Cairo stifled a yawn.

I stood up with her still in my arms, knowing that it was time for her to go to bed. "Let's get you ready for bedtime okay? Daddy will be home soon to tell you your story."

She nodded but didn't verbally respond as she tucked her head into the crook of my neck. Her bubbly personality returned in full force during bath time as she introduced me to her favorite bath toys. Only after getting her cleaned up and dressed did we hear the sound of the front door opening. Cairo's once drooping eyelids opened immediately in excitement and a few minutes later, Mahdi popped his head into her bedroom.

"Did my girls have a fun evening?" He was still dressed in his gym clothes; no doubt too anxious to return home to shower at the gym.

Cairo sat up in bed while her dad perched next to me. "We watched Moana again! Then we took a nap and then we got ready for bed."

"How was Moana the tenth time around Cai, still good?" Mahdi kissed her on the forehead.

She nodded excitedly. "I have to agree with her, though it's only my third time watching it." I joked. Cairo Taylor kept about three movies in constant rotation, but I learned to love it.

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