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A surge of confidence went through Minhee as she made her way towards the boys. Her cousins words really helped her realize that, it was okay to be who you are. You should tell people with pride that you love who you love. You shouldn't hide it because it makes you 'different'- which it doesn't in the first place.

The gaggle of teenage boys +Chan (he's old❤️) came into view. She sped up her steps and as soon as she approached the table, She slammed her hands down, scaring the fuck outta hyunjin causing the very dramatic boy to jump in his seat and fall to the floor.

Minhee just stared at him for the next 30 seconds then took a deep breath.
"Let's talk." She finally says.

"Oh god, okay?" Minho kinda knew what was going on. Still doesn't mean he was ready at all.

"Let's go home, none of us have any classes left." Chan collects his things getting up and walking towards the door of the canteen. He was having none of it, truly. He was also very used to the speeches said during comings out due to being the father of 8 children.

"I do-" Seungmin tried to interject Chans idea of leaving, but ultimately fails.

"Not anymore you don't." Chan gives the younger a smile. "Alright then...." Seungmin shrugs. 'First day of school and I'm skipping classes- well next class is Calculus so, maybe this isn't bad.'

Arriving home after the semi-awkwardness in the car with her older brother and friends. Most of the confidence had slowly [read: rapidly] left her body. Entering the house, biting at the skin around her nails- a bad habit she's had since she was a child. Minho sees this and slowly takes her hand away from her mouth.

"Alright....let's talk now?" He asks softly, keeping the look of worry in his younger sisters eyes, in mind.

Minhee just nods, swallowing thickly as they all- minus Jeongin since he's still in school- sat down on the couch.

Studying the faces of the older boys, they seemed worried, maybe even eager to know what was finally going on with her.

"I might be lesbian." She blurts out, immediately looking away from the group.

"Wow, she just....went for it." Felix laughed, which caused Changbin to punch his arm. "Owie..."

"I don't understand." Minho truly was a bit dumb. He really didn't expect Minhee to be gay. Maybe bisexual? Asexual? Fuck, even pansexual. Lesbian was NOT was he expected.

"I don't like men, Minho." Minhee decides to dumb it down for him.

"No, no, I get that part. I just mean- why tell us all of a sudden." He rubs his imaginary beard, wanting to hear what the fuck possessed her to finally come out.

"Well, Donghyuck-"

"Well that solves it." Minho scoffs.

"As I was saying- Donghyuck caught me gay panicking. We had a deep conversation, and he recommended for me to tell you lot about it. So here we are.... pretty awkward if you ask me." The girl rubs her sweaty hands on her jeans. She really wanted the ground to swallow her up. Minho looked like he was trying to solve quantum theory. Chan looked proud, proud that he finally got to hear from her that she was lesbian. Felix and Changbin looked like they were about to pounce onto her and kiss her all over her face. Jisung was trying to figure out how the fuck she's lesbian. Seungmin was honestly pretty shocked, and hyunjin was just crying.

"I'm home~ what'd I miss?" Jeongins voice boomed through the hall all the way to the living room.

"MinHees lesbian!" Jisung yells enthusiastically. This caused Minhee to physically cringe.

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