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Being 13 years old and having skipped a grade, she was classmates with Felix, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jisung. It being lunch period, she followed the pack of boys to their lunch table. She didn't usually sit with the bunch a lot, mainly sat with Dahyun.

Dahyun was a nervous wreck, thinking she ruined her friendship with the younger girl. Ignoring her and fleeing to the rooftop for lunch, just trying her best to avoid the boys and MinHee.

MinHee kept looking around the canteen, trying to find the girl who was avoiding her. Giving up after a while, she let out a sigh and plopped right beside Felix.

"Felix? Can I ask you and Changbin about something?"

"Of course! What's wrong little min?"

Little min.

What all the boys besides her own brother called her. As their names were very similar.

"I kinda don't want anyone else to hear. So, when you guys come over after school I'll talk to you then."

Felix just nodded, not really prodding at her to tell him.

The young girl began to scan the canteen again, to see if she can spot her best friend anywhere. Frustrated with the results, she gave up again and felt the urge to scream and cry.

'Was this going to ruin our friendship? I don't care that it happened and I don't mind that I happened, I just want Dahyunie back.'

Looking for something soft to slam her head into and to muffle her frustrated scream, she saw the black hoodie that Chan always wore, bundled up into a ball right beside her.

Deciding that was her best bet, she swiped the hoodie in her arms and slammed her face into it proceeding to scream.

Since it was muffled, only her and the people a few feet around her could hear. Not really like they cared or anything, they probably would have just thought the poor girl failed her test.

"Woah, why is my hoodie experiencing verbal abuse?" Chan curiously looks at the girl who looked miserable.

"I'm upset!" MinHee pouted, the boys cooing at her cuteness

"May I ask why?" Chan asks

"No you may not." Minhee answers blatantly.

"Alright then!!" Chan claps, sort of happy he got outta that one.

"Is this because of Dahyun? What happened with you two?" Jisung asks, just as curious as Chan was when she screamed into his clothing.

"I-I don't want to t-tell you." Minhee started to feel a familiar burning sensation in her nose, followed by her eyes blurring and her nose becoming runny.

"Good job Chan, you made her cry!" Minho pinched the elders arm

"OW! No I didn't! It was Jisung!" Chan then pinches the youngers arm.

"Oh no no no please don't cry Minnie, t-then I-I'll start c-crying!" Jisung then began to well up in tears. Looking around the table, Hyunjins face matched up with Jisungs.

Panicking at the scene of Minhee who was crying for a valid reason, then Jisung and hyunjin who started crying for no reason at all but the fact that MinHee was. He gently lifted MinHees head up and started doing his oh so adorable '3-set-aegyo'

This made MinHee stop crying. Her face wet and puffy. She sniffles and looks at Changbin. "Y-you're so u-ugly." she laughs at his attempts of cuteness.

"I made you laugh, so I'm okay with being ugly." Changbin smiles at the small girl who was trying to dry her face of tears.

"Wanna nap? You seem tired today too...." Jeongin looks at her face, clear bags under her eyes and noticing the way she was forcing her eyes to stay open.

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