I Loved You More Than Anything

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Henry walked into Jacobi's Deli. Heads swiveled towards him.

"Hey guys," he waved, getting several greetings in return. He walked over to Finch & Mush, sitting down next to them.

"Where you'se been?" Finch asked, twirling his slingshot.

"Oh, nothin much. Took me a bit longer to finish sellin than normal. That's it."

"You'se getting anything to eat?" Mush picked up what seemed to be a menu. Why he felt the need to look through it, Henry wasn't sure. It's not like any of them could afford much of anything.

"Nah, probably not. I ain't too hungry. Probably just a glass of water."

"I think I'se gonna get a sandwich," Finch pipes up.

"Ain't we a big spenda?" Mush slaps his chest with the paper in his hand. Henry laughed at them both.

Jacobi came out carrying a tray of waters, knowing that was all most of the boys would want.

"Hey, mista!" Finch waved his hand to Jacobi. He simply rolled his eyes, before making his way over, distributing waters on his way.

"What can I get for you?" He gave his last water to Henry, who graciously accepted.

"Can I get a pastrami sandwich?"


"Uhh, yea sure," Finch shrugged his shoulders. Jacobi nodded before heading to the kitchen in the back.

The boys continued talking about this & that. By the time Finch's sandwich was ready, Henry was near done with his water. He had spun around in his chair to chat with Romeo, who was boasting about some girl he had supposedly wooed with his "expertise." He turned around to set his glass on the table when something caught his eye.

"Goddamn," he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Mush glanced over at Henry.

Shaking his head, Henry said nothing.

Henry watched the progress of what he was sure was his first love. He had never felt his heart spark like this before. It was a strange feeling.

"Oh, thanks mista," Finch turned around & grabbed the sandwich from Jacobi, trading a few cents for it. Henry's eyes widened as Finch brought the sandwich closer to his face.


Finch halted, an eyebrow raised. "What?"

Henry stuttered, before forcing out, "Can I have the sandwich?"

"I thought you weren't hungry."

"I, uh, I changed my mind."

"Yeah, no. I paid for it; it's mine."

"I'll pay you back!"

"Just order another one," Mush interjected, looking bemused.

Henry faltered. Mush was right. He had no reason to want that specific sandwich, but it was as if something was drawing him towards it. Almost as if he needed that sandwich.

Finch laughed, "Whatever, you can have it." He passed the sandwich to Henry. "You'se gotta pay me back, though..." he trailed off, giving Henry a strange look. Henry had started cradling the sandwich, whispering to it. Finch looked at Mush, who was staring at Henry with an incredulous look.

Buttons walked up at that moment. "Hey, Finch, I was wondering..." He trailed off, just as Finch had, at the sight of Henry & his sandwich. "Henry? You'se alright?"

Henry glanced up, before looking back to the sandwich. "Yea, I'se just fine."

"You'se sure?"


"Okay, then..." Buttons shared a look with Finch before walking back towards Tommy Boy & Specs.

"Hey, Henry," Mush shook Henry's shoulders. "Are you sure you'se okay?"

"Didn't you hear me? I just told Buttons I'se just fine." He didn't look up from the sandwich.

"Well, yea, I guess. But..." he looked to Finch for help.

"But you'se talking to a sandwich as if it was ya girl or somethin," Finch interjected.

"No, I'se not!" Henry rushed to defend himself.

"You'se is cradling it & whisperin to it," Finch said plainly.

"Yeah, so?!" Henry's tone was harsh.

Finch just shook his head, before standing up. He gave Mush a look that said I'm not dealing with this before heading towards Buttons.

Mush looked back to Henry. "Henry, are you'se positive-"

Henry cut him off, "Yes, Mush, I'se just fine!" Silence fell across the diner. Henry looked around, before storming out.

As he walked through the streets, he continued talking to his sandwich, who he had named Jezebel.

"They think I'se crazy. I'se not crazy! They'se just jealous. Don't understand. You'se a special girl, Jezebel. I hopes you know that." Henry was getting more than a few strange looks from strangers passing him. Can you blame them, though? What would you think if you saw a scruffy looking newsboy sweet talking a sandwich?

Out of nowhere, Henry trips over a rock he hadn't seen because he was too busy staring into Jezebel's nonexistent eyes. Jezebel flew out of his hands, landing in the street. Before he could even process what was happening, Henry watched a carriage roll straight over his sandwich. He let out an anguished cry.

"Jezebel!!" Once the carriage had moved on, he darted into the street, picking up the flattened sandwich. He walked back to the sidewalk before collapsing next to a fruit stand, tears streaming down his face.

Finch & Buttons were standing down the street, watching the scene.

"What the fuck?" 

What the fuck indeed. Welp, here it is. My HenryXSandwich crackfic. I'm honestly ashamed of how long I worked on this (mostly because I kept getting distracted by Enjoltaire fanart). Also, I lowkey ship Finch & Buttons? Idk why, they just kinda give me a vibe? It's weird. As is this. Anyway, here it is. imacount2 Hope you enjoyed whatever the fuck this is.

~Kat<3   6/25/20

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