
"Yes, anything."


"Uh, except for the threesome."


You grinned and walked to Tsukasa with confidence. "Tsukasa, where's Natsuhiko?". The twin giggled before hugged and squeezed you hard. "At the broadcast room~! Why did you asked?" Tsukasa kept hugging you making Hanako popped a vein.

"Oi, oi. Stop touching my (y/n)." he whispered.

"Can you tell him that I want to see him and talk about his grades tomorrow? The sooner, the better." you said with a smile.

"Sure! I'll tell him right now~!" Tsukasa quickly let you go and disappeared from the toilet.

"Problem solved." you gave Hanako a smirk.

"More like the problem fly away." Hanako cracked a joke.

You leaned on the wall besides you and saw the mokke that been hiding the whole time.

They saw you and jumped towards you happily.

"It's (y/n)!"


"(Y/n) is here!"

You chuckled at the tiny creatures and poked one of them. "Soft just like me, ehehehe.." you gave them a evil laugh before squeezed it.

"(Y/n) is not soft!"

"Yeah! (Y/n)'s evil!"

"Evil! Help meeeeh!"

Two of them tried to save their friend from your hand while you just laughed at their cuteness.

Hanako who was watching the whole time pouted and grabbed the poor mokke from your hand and let it go.

"(Y/n), you should play with me. Not them!" said the pouting boy.

You smiled and pet him on the head. Hanako blushed but he pulled away. "I'm not a kid!" he threw a tantrum, still pouting.

"Of course you're not."

Hanako let out a small sigh before leaned besides you. You didn't looked at him because you were too busy staring the mokke.



"Thanks for just now."



"That was nothing. Don't mind it."

Hanako stared at the floor before continued talking.

"You always did everything for me."

"No, I didn't."

"You're a science teacher. That used to be my ambition."

You didn't replied as you knew the fact.

"You even come back here and stay with me."

"I come here to teach."

"You can just find another man and live a happy life. Yet you're stuck with me."

"You're my boyfriend after all. Of course, I'm stuck with you."

Hanako chuckled before poked your cheek. "Not being honest, are you?".

"Nah, just being a tsundere today."

You knew.

You always knew the facts.

You always knew that Hanako is right.

But you won't admit it.

The moment when you got the news about he killed Tsukasa and suicided, you've decided to carry out his ambition and his love for the space. You studied very hard to be a teacher for him. You even decided to teach at the same school you went since the memories of you and Hanako were there.

But you didn't expect to see him again on the first day you came.

You met him on the rooftop, sitting there alone while staring to the sky.

The same rooftop that you two always hangout when recess and after school.



You did everything for him. You live for him.

But you never told him this. You knew he will tell you to stop because of the guilt.

No, you're the one that is guilty.

You knew Amane was bullied but you never do anything about it.

You knew Amane was having a hard time but you pretended not to know anything.

You are evil. Just like the mokke said.

That's why you felt guilty when he's dead.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault,
If only I help you,
If only I didn't pretend,
If only I reach out for you,
I'm sorry.

Forgive me,

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Earth to my girl?"

You snapped from your thoughts and looked at Hanako. "Yeah? What did you say?" you asked.

"I said I want to eat donuts that you made."

"But I just baked them last two days for you?"

"Not enough. I want more."

You gave him a weak smile and laughed.

"Fine, I'll make them tomorrow."

Hanako smiled as he leaned towards you. He put his head on your shoulder and wrapped his fingers around yours.

"Anything for you, Amane.



Damn, I almost cry writing this.

And I open my request! Don't be shy! Just request anything as long as it's under 18+.. I know some of my readers are under 18. I'm watching you!

Also, if I make a book about Obey Me! will you guys support me?

Comment to let me know.
I'm reading all of the comments, you know.

All of them. (◦‿◦)

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