Chapter Two - The Q&A

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"So. I can imagine you guys have a few questions." Hina stood in front of class 1-A as now they all were asking the same question. "YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE QUIRK?!" The class erupted into a mix of loud questioning and Iida trying to get everyone to quiet down and ask questions one at a time. Hina didn't know what to do and just turned around to the very obviously annoyed pro hero teacher in the corner. He sighed, getting out of his sleeping bag and went to stand at the front of the classroom.

"Class 1-A!" He yelled, causing the whole class to fall deadly silent. He let another sigh out. "I understand that you're all fascinated in Hina's quirks but please. Behave, ask her nicely and ONE AT A TIME! Geez." He demanded as he crawled back in his sleeping bag. The class's attention went from watching their teacher crawl back into his yellow cocoon back to Hina. "Classmates!" Iida addressed everyone as he started to walk to the front of the class, next to Hina. "If you want to ask a question, put your hand up and I'll pick for Miss Hina to answer."

"Woah. Miss Hina? I'm the same age as you guys. Just Hina is fine." She reassured the class rep as he started to look slightly embarrassed from his 'mistake' "Oh, don't be embarrassed. It's fine, really. I get it." The room then filled with arms high in the air. Iida scanned the room. "Uraraka." Iida called out as she stood up. "What happened to your hair exactly?" She asked. "Well, the quirks name is Hair Colouration. The tips of my braids change depending on my mood. So it glowed yellow, that meant that I was happy. That's just cause I like talking about my Botany quirk and plants in general." Uraraka gave her a kind smile and as she sat back down, the hands came back up.


"Did you get your quirks at the same time?" He asked. "No, actually. I got my Botany quirk first then my hair quirk developed shortly after."


"Do you have any more quirks or just the two?" This question immediately silenced the class, as that question was on all their minds. "I actually have another. It's called Selective Hearing. I can basically make people hear certain noises or voices. I can single the sound waves to a small group of people within a certain radius or even just one person. I could also talk to them." That answer intrigued the class, even one certain student, who had been silent this whole time.

"Pff, that's disappointing. I thought it was gonna be something powerful. Guess we're not all blessed." Everyone knew that snide voice from anywhere. Bakugo.

"Kacchan, that was really rude. There was no need for that." Midorya tried standing up to the blonde but just got backlash. "Shut up, damn nerd. You're not that powerful either. Couldn't even beat half n half over there." Hina then started talking but no sound came out. Well, that's what most of the class thought. She stared at Bakugo and stated, "Oh yeah, how's the trophy treating you, Mr Powerful?" This obviously took him back.

"What?! What the hell did you just say to me?!" He yelled, very subtly blushing. The class was confused in why Bakugo was yelling. I mean, they always are but why at Hina? Then the lightbulb lit in Tokoyami's head.

"Oh, I see." He calmly said as everyone looked at him for clarification. "She used her hearing quirk on Bakugo so only he could hear what she said." This took Bakugo back as he silenced for a few seconds, which caused Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari to burst into laughter. This, obviously aggravated Bakugo as he started yelling at them. As he started his rampage, Aoyama put his hand up.

"So, if you developed your plant quirk first, what order did the others come in?" He asked, smiling as usual. "Well after Botany was the hair quirk and I got the hearing quirk probably around my second year of middle school."

Jirou then put her hand up. "I'm guessing you're going to keep developing more quirks, right? So do you know if there's a limit or if there's a certain age to when they stop?" Hina went silent for a second, thinking of an answer. "I actually don't know. There haven't been many people with multi-quirks so there's very limited research on it. That's actually why I'm here."

Just as she's about to explain to the class what's she's doing at UA, the bell rings. This caused Aizawa to groan and climb, yet again, out of his sleeping bag as everyone started packing their work away. He walked up to Katsu and rested his hand on her shoulder. "You handled that well. If you're free, in a few days, you can join us for training." She looked up at her superior and smiled at him.

"I'd love to." She responded as her hair tips glowed a bright yellow. This made the pro smile.

"HEEEYYYYY!" Everyone jumped as Present Mic made his presence well known. "Wassup?! The principal told me you might be here. I see you've already introduced yourself. Y'know Aizawa, she's been doing a ton of research on this class at least days worth of -" He exclaimed until he got stopped by Hina's hand. This also made the tips of her braids glow a light pink colour.

"Well, would you look at the time, haha. We have to go, NOW. Bye guys. See ya later." She smiled, dragging the loud pro hero out of the class, trying to talk with a covered mouth, shutting the door behind her. That left the class confused. "Hmm, wonder what he said. He was speaking weirdly right?" Hagakure asked the rest of the girls as they all huddled together.

"Yeah, but wasn't she so cool?! More than one quirk? She'll make one hell of a hero." Mina said, excitedly as the group started making their way out of the classroom. Everyone else started leaving in groups as well, all talking about this new girl.

"Do you guys think she's a new student?" Satou asked. "She wasn't wearing a uniform and she seems to be close to the pros in school, so who's to know?" Shoji replied, shrugging his shoulders. "She's very nice and she can stand up to people like Bakugou. She also managed to find this guy so at least we know she's considerate and kind." Koda added, bunny in hand. "And her multiple quirks are fascinating, to say the least. Maybe she was scouted by UA? Like Todoroki." Tokoyami wondered aloud.

Iida and Todoroki were about to walk out when they heard subtle murmuring. They turned around to see Izuku, still sitting at his desk. He was hunched over his notebook, scribbling away and muttering about this new discovery.

"more than one quirk? it's a fascinating new development to the world of quirks definitely but I haven't seen any research on it. this might be the first time someone like her has been born or maybe even discovered but if that was the case, wouldn't there have been a lot of coverage about it? unless she was keeping it a secret? but then she wouldn't have told us but either way, it's very interesting-" his constant train of thought paused when he felt a hand on his head.

"That brain of yours never stops does it?" Iida chuckled as Midorya got flustered by the question and the action that came with it. "Oh! Well, this is really interesting, isn't it? Having more than one quirk is a wild concept that's never been talked about. Actually, now that I think about it, Todoroki kind of has two quirks right?" He asked as he and Iida both looked at him. "I mean, I guess. But you can say because they're opposites, that can make them one in the same? I don't really know." The half and half boy shrugged as the three started making their way out of the room.

"Hey, Kaminari!" A voice called out as Kaminari felt a nudge on his leg. He looked down to find Mineta smirking at him. "Y'know what I'm thinking about, right?" He asked. The question was purely rhetorical as everyone always knows what he's thinking about. "Did you see the body on her?! Shame that she was wearing jeans and a hoodie. It's like she doesn't know what a goddess-like body she has." Shortly after that sentence, an explosion was heard from right behind the pervert's head.

"Shut the hell up about her, you perv." Bakugo whispered in his ear, causing Mineta to cower to the floor. "H-hey. Why are you defending her? It's not like you're her boyfriend or anything." This didn't help his case as Bakugo picked him up by his shirt and stared down his eyes. "I'M NOT DEFENDING HER! And while she might have more than one quirk, that doesn't mean she's stronger than me. Though I'm sure anyone could squash you to the ground easily, you extra." He smirked as he dropped the small boy on the ground and walked away, sulking as usual.

"he stared right into my soul." Mineta whimpered as Kaminari bent down to check on him. Kirishima and Sero ran to catch up with the moody boy. "That was a lot Bakugo. Don't let whatever she said get to your head though." The redhead tried to comfort him. "Yeah. But at the end of the day, you have to admit. She's pretty cool. " Sero added only to get a nasty look from the hot-headed boy.

"How's that trophy treating you, Mister Powerful?"

What's her deal anyway?

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