Chapter 1: Ruby Rose

Start from the beginning

Grunt: Yes!

Girl: Oh...

The two share a glance.

Back at the front, the man in the white suit is watching over his men when a grunt goes flying and slides to a stop next to him. The leader signals for two of his men to check it out. There's a crackle of electricity and the two men go flying out one of the large windows, closely followed by a silver/blue blur and a red/black blur.

In the street, standing over two unconscious crooks, are the two teens. The girl pulls a large device from her back, which she expands into a giant scythe and slams the blade into the ground. The guy pulls a small cylinder from his back that he extends into a four foot long staff, which he twirls around before setting into a battle stance.

The leader glances at his men.

White Suit: Well, get them.

The grunts rush out the shop's door and all but two charge with swords drawn.

The fanus smirks.

Guy: Let's clean house.

The duo rushes forwards. The fanus lands multiple strikes on his opponents, knocking them out. The human uses recoil of her sniper/scythe to add to her speed and slam the blunt end of her weapon into her enemies. Within a minute, all of the grunts with swords were down.

The two remaining grunts raise their guns and open fire. Before an real damage can be done, the young fanus throws two combat knives at the grunts. The knives hit their targets on the forehead, handle first, knocking them out.

Guy: Wow, they really aren't that good. I didn't even throw that hard.

The girl next to him giggles at his comment, and then stares in awe when her 'partner' raises his hands and draws the knives back to him before sheathing the blades. The fanus would have laughed at her expression if the man in the white suit hadn't spoken.

White Suit: Well Red, Pup, it's been fun but this...

The man in the white suit holds up his cane, the bottom opens and a targeting reticle appears above.

White Suit: where we part ways.

A flare fires from the cane at the duo. The girl uses the recoil of her sniper to fly into the air. The boy's eyes flash dark blue-purple before he seemingly disappears into the shadows, reappearing outside the explosion.

When the smoke clears, the man in white is seen climbing a fire ladder to the top of a building. The fanus holds out his hand and a strange object appears in a flash over his hand.

Guy: Archive! Track him!

Archive: Of course, Guardian.

The young wolf fanus then rushes after the man in the white suit, the girl following close behind.

The duo find the criminal at the other end of the roof of the building. A Bullhead pulls up next to the building and the man in the white suit boards the craft before the two young adults can stop him.

White Suit: End of the line, kids!

The criminal throws a Fire Dust crystal at the teens before firing another flare from his cane, causing the Dust crystal to explode.

Before the teens could do anything to avoid the explosion, a woman in a white and black outfit appears in front of them to block the blast.

The woman then sends a strange attack that shakes the Bullhead. The criminal stumbles and rushes into the cockpit. Moments later a woman, mostly covered in shadows, with glowing arms and eyes steps into the Bullhead's troop bay. The two woman engage in an impressive ranged battle, that ended when the fire woman sent out a blast of fire that obliterated the projectiles sent by the woman in white and black.

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