Reality shattered

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The sounds echoes off of the metal walls. The terrified banging on the walls of the box, the jingling of the chains binding her hands together, and the pitiful cries as the water slowly rises. She can feel as the liquid slowly rises, her tights soaked up the her knees. She desperately looks around the box, trying to find the escape hatch. But there is none. The water slowly fills and she draws her final breaths before her head being completely submerged. A few bubbles escape her mouth, her eyes gently close and all resistance ceases. The room is filled with eerie silence until the wicked laughter Monokuma fills the room as everything fades to black.

Himiko shoots up with a scream, rabid breaths escaping her mouth as she comes to her senses. It hadn't been her first nightmare, in fact it wasn't even the first time this particular one had happened. Aparently her brain couldn't think of anything else to torture her nights with so it decided to cycle back to old nightmares. She didn't remember when she had had this one, but she could never forget the bears diabolical cackling at her own death. But before she had the time to remember the last time it accrued her door was slammed open as two people rushed inside.

"Yumeno-san! Are you ok?"

Shuichi and Maki paused as they saw the girl simply sitting in bed. Maki glared at her, before her gaze softened and she spoke.


She nodded.

The two sighed in relief. Of course, there was nothing good about Himiko having nightmares, it was better then her being attacked by some rabid Danganronpa fan. Despite Team Danganronpa's "attempts" to keep them safe (if giving them an apartment in their facility with minimal security and under paid therapists counted as an "attempt")  it hadn't been the first time something like that had happened.

"What was it about?" Maki's voice, now low and quiet spoke as she sat on the bed, placing a hand on Himiko's shoulder.

Maki had grown. All of them had. (She may not have been 5 feet yet, but she was sure something had changed in her chest) Even though that wasn't really how they changed, besides Himiko excite at growing even slightly, they hadn't changed much physically in the month since the killing game. Mentally was a different. Sometimes it was hard to recognize them. Although Maki still had a cold demeter and was not afraid to glare daggers, she had warmed up to them, showing more empathy and even talking about her own feelings at times. Shuichi had learned to feel more pride in himself, especially with the weight of almost single handedly ending a show like Danganronpa. And to Himiko, it felt like she had matured the most. She tried her best to keep the rest of them happy, and in doing so had become much more positive herself. Her master- if he had actually been real- wouldn't have been able to tell this was the same girl her had mentored for years. Then her thought went to Tenko and Angie. They had both always been so supportive of her, and she finally felt like she had lived their memory, if they could see her now she was sure they'd be proud.

"An exicution... my own." The redhead solemnly nodded.

The two comforted her, until she finally felt safe and they left to go back to their own bedrooms. It was late- early really- and Himiko really should be getting back to bed as well.

But she couldn't.

Her mind kept coming back to the dream. She remembered the last time she had had that nightmare.

It was the last day she spent with Tenko. Her eyes glazed over with tears as she remembered the warm and strong embrace of the girl as she carried her half-asleep body back to her room.

Tenko had cared. Tenko had always cared.

Eventually, the petite redhead had managed to silently cry herself to sleep.

------- time skip, haven't seen you in a while my dear friend -------

Knock knock

Himiko groaned, shoving her face into her pillow, covering her ears trying to block out the sound of knocking.

"Miss Yumeno?"

A man's voice spoke from the other side of the door.

She sighed, getting out of bed. What's with this guy? Waking her up so early in the morning and- oh. She looked over at the digital clock sitting on the bedside table only to see 13:48. She sighed once more, yawned as she quickly brushed her hair to somewhat tame the mess.

She opened the door to a man. He was tall, he had a ruffled appearance, suit messily put on, dark circles under his eyes, and scriffly bits of bearn poking out of his chin- though she could say she looked much better herself.

"What is it?"

She hadn't tried to sound so rude, but she was tired and honestly didn't want to deal with and Danganronpa stuff right now. (Or ever)

The man awkwardly scratched at his neck before turning towards the girl "You, umm, have a visiter... "

With that, before she could ask any questions, the man left.

Himiko tried to quickly get ready for this "visiter". She rushed over to the bathroom, trying to appear as if she hadn't just woken up past 12. She then made her way across the 3 bedroom apartment.

The living conditions weren't the best. But the apartment was nice enough, and she had to admit she was getting pretty used to it even after a month. Even if none of them were happy with their situation, they had built up some semblance of a comfortable life.

She walked to the front door of the apartment to greet the aparent "visitor".  It was probably just another fan who had convinced the staff the were somehow related to one of them, onetime someone had snuck in in a cheap cosplay of her, (the fact that those existed felt... unsettling to say the least) and claiming to be her "long lost twin sister.

She opened the door, ready to shove it in this person's face in a few minutes.

She stared at the person on the other side, eyes widening and talking a few steps backwards, bumping into a table behind her end almost falling backwards, before the girl at the door grabbed her, swiftly bringing her to her feel and staring at her with those eyes. She had the most genuine smile on her face Himiko had seen.

The comfortable life she had built had been crushed.

Standing there at her door, smiling like she was the happiest woman on Earth stood Tenko Chabashira.

Himiko's whole reality shattered.


Ok, that's it, from now on the amount of angst with be really small. Probably.

(1141 words)

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