Part 47

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Carolyn's P.O.V.
Me & Vanessa just got to her place. We immediately went to her bathroom.
"Omg look at my face!" She said looking at herself in the mirror.
"Look at mines!" I said looking at myself in the mirror too.
Vanessa had a big knot on her forehead. Her lip was bleeding & so was her nose. My nose was bleeding. My lip was busted & I had a few scratches on my face.
"We should have never had fought her." Vanessa said.
"We won so it don't matter.." I said.
Vanessa gave her a "bitch really?" look.
"We won? Are you serious? Does this look like a we won face?" Vanessa said pointing to her face.
I didn't say nothing.
"That's what I thought." Vanessa said.
"But at least her & Jacob not together no more." I said with a devilish smile.
Vanessa high fived me & we started dancing.
"Maybe I'll have my chance with her again." I said.
"Um Carolyn you really think she's gonna want to get with you again?" Vanessa said wiping the blood from her face.
"Yeah.. Now that Jacob is out the picture." I said.
"But you just told her to her face that you don't fuck with her." Vanessa said.
"Damn I know. I should of never said that." I said.
"But I think I kind of like Jacob.." Vanessa said.
"Ew.. Why?" I asked disgusted.
"He's cute." Vanessa said.
"Ew no he's not." I said disgusted.
"Yes he is." Vanessa said.
"Didn't you give him head?" I asked.
"Yeah." Vanessa said.
"Why?" I said disgusted.
"I wanted too. His shit was big." Vanessa said.
"I did not need to know that last part." I said.
"Well I just wanted to tell you." Vanessa said.
-End of Carolyn's P.O.V.
-Jacob's P.O.V.
I'm so glad that me & Bailey worked it out. I thought I was going to lose her forever & I didn't want to do that. I love her too much to do that. I talked to her mom & explained everything to her. I apologized to her about all of that. She accepted my apology. I got to talk to her for like an hour or so. She told me how she wanted the best for her daughter with dealing with boys & her future. I assured her that I'm the best for her. I wasn't like them other boys. I didn't just want sex from her or do her wrong. No! I loved her & I meant it. Never will I ever slip up like I did. I couldn't stand to see Bailey so upset at me. She's the star to my dark night sky. She's my Evangeline. ❤️ Yes I watched Princess in the Frog before. I love that movie. But after a while me & Bailey left the house & went out for ice cream. We went to Baskin-Robbins. When we arrived Bailey was so anxious to get inside & eat ice cream. We went inside & Bailey ran to the counter. She is so cute. I went stood next to her.
"Hello. How may I help you?" The lady asked.
"Hi. Can I have the chocolate chip ice cream?" Bailey asked her.
"Of course." The lady said grabbing the cone.
She put the ice cream in the cone & handed it to me.
"There you go. Anything else?" She asked.
"Thank you" Bailey said.
"Yes. Can I have the chocolate almond ice cream?" Jacob asked.
"Of course." The lady said putting ice cream in an ice cream cone.
She handed it to him.
"Thank you" Jacob said.
"Your welcome. Your total is $7.48." The lady said.
I gave her the money then me & Bailey went to go eat our ice cream in the car.
"Thank you for paying for the ice cream baby." Bailey said.
"Anytime baby." I said.
"You know I love you so much right?" Bailey said.
"Yes." I said.
"Not you.. this ice cream! OMG I love ice cream!" Bailey said.
I looked at her like "oh really?" She seen how I was looking & started laughing.
"You know I love you Jacob." Bailey said.
"I love you too.. I think." I said.
Bailey stopped eating her ice cream & looked at me like "oh really?" I laughed.
"Now you see how it feels." Jacob said laughing.
"Whatever." Bailey said & rolled her eyes at me.
I laughed again.
"Aww. You mad at me baby?" I asked.
"Yeah.." Bailey said like a little girl.
"Gimme kiss." I said.
"Nooo.." She said like a little girl.
"Come here baby." Jacob said.
Bailey turned around to look at me then I "accidentally" smashed my ice cream in her face. I started laughing so hard. She was so mad.
"JAAAACOB!!" She yelled.
"I'm so sorry baby." I said laughing.
"Oh it's funny? I got something for your ass." Bailey said & stuck her ice cream in my shirt.
"oh shiiiit! This shit is cold! BAILEY!" I said.
She started laughing so hard. I was acting like I was mad but really I wasn't but that shit was cold though.

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