3. Savitr

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There he was!
Practicing sword play with our army chief.

Isn't he a little young to be practicing with the chief?
But his height, strength and energy makes up for his age.

Kunti watched from the stands as Savitr, the newest entry into the army, flexed his muscles and played with the sword.

His tall, dark and handsome youth with a dimple on those cheeks and his irresistible charms made him strangely appealing to Kunti.


Savitr could feel a pair of eyes on him.

He felt strangely naked to those eyes.

Those eyes made him push himself harder.

He felt as if he needed to impress those eyes.

He derived strength from the energy of those eyes and with all his might he countered the chief's attack and without wasting another second, he attacked with a trick of his own, thus, effectively defeating the chief.

He looked up to see the owner of those lovely eyes.

Princess Kunti!
Smiling at him!

He immediately lowered his eyes.

The chief had recovered in the meantime.
He stood back on his feet.
"Well done boy! In no time you will rise up in the ranks of the officials."- the chief said.

Savitr nodded.

He could feel Kunti smiling at the news.


"Baba, I am going to the temple near the forest."- Kunti announced.

"Why do you have to go there? We have a huge number of temples in the city only. Visit one of them."- Chided Kuntibhoja.

"Please baba. Let me go there."- Kunti requested.

"Only if you take some daasis and few soldiers with you."- Kuntibhoja said.

"Nobody will dare attack the princess of Kunti who herself is a skilled warrior."- Kunti replied.

"I know you are skilled enough to take even a grown man down, but you are also our princess. You should always carry protection with you."- Said Kuntibhoja.

"Okay baba. I won't go alone."- Kunti smiled.

Kunti walked out of the palace towards the army residency.

She reached the gates and indicated the guards to call whoever was inside.

To her luck, Savitr came out from the makeshift tents.

He kneeled down in front of Kunti.

"How may I be of service to you, princess?"- he asked.

Kunti was pleased at the coincidence.

"I need a soldier to come with me to the temple at the forest edge."- Kunti ordered.

"I will assign a troop at your service immediately."- Said Savitr.

"Why? Are you too good to be accompanying me?"- Kunti chided him.

"I am sorry for offending you princess but I thought a troop will be better for your protection. I never meant that I cannot come. After all I am your servant."- Savitr said.

"Meet me at the palace gates in 15 minutes."- Kunti ordered.


A/N:  Stay tuned in!

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