dean- oh no- pt. 1

Start from the beginning

     "Dammit. Okay I'm going to pick you up and we're gonna head to a hospital okay?" Dean said, before wrapping his arms around your legs and shoulders.

"No. No we can patch this up at home i'll be okay Dean." He picked you up bridal style as you groaned through the movement. Sam was in front of the two of you while you walked out of the house and back to the Impala.

     "I'm driving you to a hospital you cannot argue about this." Dean practically seeped with anger towards the vampire who hurt you, the one that not to mention, got away. Your response was another groan as he laid you in the backseat before rushing to the drivers, and speeding away from the house. 


"How'd he get away?" Sam asked, earning a glare from his older brother.

     "He ran out of the room I- ughh, we thought you'd get him." You replied, suddenly tasting the all too familiar metallic taste in your mouth.

"We're almost there just hold on okay?" You nodded, attempting to swallow the blood back but instead you coughed it all up into your elbow. Sam looked back at you with a worried from on his face before turning back to his brother.

     "Dean its not looking good." He said to Dean in a hushed voice, making Dean drive even faster then before.

"I heard that." You managed to say before coughing up more blood. Tears welled in your eyes as you realized this was probably the last breaths you'd ever take. Was this really the end ? Was some stupid vamp really going to be the end of you? With that you became unconscious.

     "Hey, hey, hey ,hey. Cmon Y/n you have to stay awake." Sam said while putting his fingers to your neck, looking for a pulse while Dean drive angrily through the streets, minutes away from the hospital. Your eyes fluttered open before shutting again for a long time.


Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, Y/n's limp body in Deans arms.

     "Help somebody help!" Dean said to grab attention from one of the doctors and it worked, they rapidly rolled a bed to him where he placed you down and they rolled Y/n into a secluded room. Dean and Sam tried to follow but one of the nurses closed the door behind her after explaining that they had to stay back. 

"Should we call Cas maybe he can drive here in time." Sam suggested to Dean, a poor attempt to calm his older brother down who was on the verge of breaking down. The woman he loved was badly hurt and he didn't even know if she was going to live or not.

     "Yea sure, call Cas." Dean said and Sam dialed the angels number, but to their luck he didn't answer.

"Dean look, Y/n's lived through worse and maybe she'll have a surgery but other then that she'll be perfectly fine."

     "Yeah but i love her. And i can't go through this, not with everything going on." Dean admitted to his brother. He thought that Sam was unaware of the little relationship him and Y/n had.

"I know."

     "Y-you do?"

"I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you. The two of you aren't exactly quiet either. It's pretty obvious that your both in love with each other." Sammy told his older brother. It was true, Y/n made Dean happy like no one else.

     The nurse interrupted their conversation and started asking the boys questions, to which they obviously had to lie to.

"The three of us were uh- camping and then something attacked her." Sam explained to her since Dean was a little disoriented and unfocused.

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