prefrences; how they act with your kids!

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wilbur had some nervousness, but only when your daughter would do something scary. like roll too far while on the bed, or choke a little while she was drinking milk. but, wilbur was always playing with the baby and helping out with her. "can she eat this?" "wilbur, she cant eat real food yet, especially a whole chip."

jschlattschlatt would be hella confused on anything

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schlatt would be hella confused on anything. "how do i change his diaper?" "where does this go?" "can he do that?" "can he have this?" "will this hurt?" "will this confuse him?" "wi-" "schlatt! calm down, you're fine. just put his diaper on him before he pees all over your side of the bed."

cscoopcooper was very nervous

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cooper was very nervous. always asking questions, always being very gentle. any time you would do anything that he thought was remotely off, he would quickly ask you if it was ok. "i think you're hitting his back too hard, don't kill my child!" "cooper im literally rubbing his back, calm down."

raccooneggsezra was a big mess of excited

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ezra was a big mess of excited. his son was finally in the world and he was ecstatic! "babe, look, he can already walk!" ezra was holding your son under his arms and walking him across the couch. "super baby!" your son always laughed loudly when ezra did super baby, holding your son in the air and 'flying' him everywhere.

 "super baby!" your son always laughed loudly when ezra did super baby, holding your son in the air and 'flying' him everywhere

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ted nivison
ted is pretty normal for the most part. he knew how to do and help with most baby things, and knew how to get his son to be any emotion he wanted. to be honest, you felt like your son loved ted more! "ted, please he won't stop-" "come here, baby!" and he immediately stopped crying.

 to be honest, you felt like your son loved ted more! "ted, please he won't stop-" "come here, baby!" and he immediately stopped crying

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travis was scared. not scared to hold on do anything with your daughter, but scared to even have a child. but when she came, that all changed. he was always talking about her. "how was your day?" cooper asked him once. "good, and my daughters day was good too. look, she's trying to crawl now." and would show the boys videos and pictures

goodguyfitzcameron already knew what to do when your son would cry or whine because of dealing with mason for so many years

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cameron already knew what to do when your son would cry or whine because of dealing with mason for so many years. you were mostly the one who didn't know what to do. "cam can he-" "yes." "will he-" "yeah." "does he-" "babe, calm down." "how do you know what to do all the time." "i have that pain mason up my ass all day everyday, our son is a peice of cake."

hugboxat first, he was SO scared to even hold your daughter

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at first, he was SO scared to even hold your daughter. "what if i-" "noah, stop what if-ing and grab her so i can make the bottle." he sighed and grabbed her, being so careful. once you came back from making the bottle, you could definitely see he got more comfy with holding her. noah was holding her closer, smiling and making your daughter laugh. "she likes to pull my hair."


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