Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Jace!?!?" I said in shock.

"Ember? What the hell are you doing on vampire territory? You could be killed." He said worry and relief filled his eyes.

"They can't and wont kill me." I stated simply.

"Uh they can and will kill you now get your ass over here, we've been looking every where for you." He said holding out his hand for me to grab.

"I... Can't. Meet me here tonight around midnight, I have to go see you then." I said and ran off.


"Kishan, can I talk to you?" I asked walking into his room.

"Sure lil sis." He said patting the spot beside him on his bed.

"You love me right?" I asked nervously

"Of course your my little sister." He said giving me a duh look.

"Then I want to ask you something. Will you run away with me, I know granddad wants me to fight but I don't want to and I need my brother with me so will you please run away with me?" I asked praying he wouldn't turn me in to granddad.

"Where would we go?" He asked softly

"My old wolf pack. Just meet me outside at half past eleven." I said and walked out.

I packed a small bag of clothes and waited for eleven. When I met Kishan we ran for the border. After about ten minutes of waiting Jace and Kyle walked up. Before they could open there mouth I held up a finger to tell them not to speak. They eyed Kishan then let us pass. We walked for about thirty minutes before we reached a large house. The house was a dark brown with a golden trim, it had stone steps leading up to a large double door. It was simply breath taking. They led us to a large room the floor was completely made of glass.

"Start talking, why are you with vampires?" Kyle asked using his alpha tone even though it doesn't work on me.

"I umm..... I'm half vampire. My mom was a vampire and my dad is a wolf shifter." I sighed. They looked at me then busted out laughing.

"Good one Em. Now really why are you here with a vampire?" Jace asked still laughing.

"Want proof?" I asked the nodded still smiling. I bared my fangs then shifted into my wolf, my canines sharp as a needle. Both gasped and looked at me.

"Holy shit!" Kyle yelled.

"I told you." I said when I shifted back.

"Okay so whos he?" Kyle asked pointing towards Kishan.

"Oh umm thats my half brother Kishan. He is a full vampire, I have another half brother thats a full shifter too. I just don't know who he is." I said and both looked at me like I had two heads.

"Okay, well where have you been for the past month?" Jace asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well my granddad wants to use me as a secret weapon for a fight not sure who against though." I said sitting on the couch.

"Oh, well I'm glad your back, we missed you." Kyle said smiling and drew me into a hug.

~One year later~

"Kishan! Jace! Kyle! Get down here! Now! We have practice!" I yelled/growled.

"We're coming, don't get you panties in a twist." Kyle growled back. He might be alpha now, but that boy is always late.

We walked outside to met with our trainer. Since I'm back home I've trained twice as hard so that I'm ready for anything. We strted with twenty laps, then did sit ups and push ups. After about an hour a car pulled up, and my dad stepped out with a guy about twenty. He had brown hair and green eyes, he looked a lot like my dad.

"Ember, I'd like you to meet Blake. He's your brother." My dad said pointing to the guy I stared in shock , while he had a smug grin on his face.


Hope ya like it, oh and if you already haven't I posted the first chapter of my new book Secrets so read it and tell me whatcha think :-)

Sorry for the short chapter..... Hope ya still liked it tho :-)

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