Chapter Thirteen

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Finally figured out how to work this thing yay!!! hope ya like my book so far :)

Chapter Thirteen

I've been with Kishan, my brother, for three weeks now and it's not that bad. We've learned a lot about each other.

"Ember, granddad wants ya." Kishan said walking in my room.

"Okay." I said and walked to granddads office.

"Come in." he said as I knocked softly.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked walking in.

"Yes. You and Kishan are going to visit the neighboring clans." he said looking at some paperwork.

"Okay? Well I'll go pack then." I said and walked out.


We left early the next morning heading to the clan south of ours. We would be on the road for about twelve hours so I slept most of the time.

"Ember, we're here." Kishan said nudging me awake.

"Ugh." I groaned and got out.

We knocked on the door and waited. The house was two stories and a pale blue color. The porch was about thirty six feet long and twenty four feet wide. It held three swings and over twenty chairs. The porch had a celing that went about six inches over the porch itself. The door sprang open and a young girl about seventeen stood there. She had blond hair and hazel eyes. Her face was oval with a long sharp nose. She was very skinny, hmm maybe it was a vampire thing. She looked my brother up and down then smiled.

"You must be Kishan." She said sweetly. "I'm Shannon."

"Yeah and this is my sister Ember." Kishan said pointing to me.

"Well come on in." She said moving to the side to let us in.

She showed us to our rooms and then left. I unpacked my clothes then when I reached the bottom I saw a folded pice of paper. It was a drawing i made with Jace. Kyle and my name on it, god I missed them so much. I felt a tear slide down my cheek.a land on the paper, i sighed and sliped it back into the bag. Once I was done unpacking I went for a run. I went no more than five miles when I felt something tackle me to the ground. I bared my teeth and faced a black headed vamp. He showed me his fangs and my wolf and I just chuckled.

-We will snap this blood sucker like a toothpick- She said venom coating her words.

-Don't forget we're half blood sucker too- I reminded her, she just ignored me.

The black headed vampire lunged at me, i quickly moved out the way grabbed his leg and threw him into a tree. He came at me again, I snapped at his leg again but he was able to bite down on my back. I whimpered then bucked him off. I was seeing red, I shifted back into human form and bared my fangs. Wait where the hell did these come from? The boy stared at me in disbelief, then lowered himself to the ground showung me his neck and wrists.

-What the hell is he doing- I asked confused.

-Your a damn shifter/vampire and your an alpha in both- My wolf said and i could oicture her rolling her eyes.

"Umm rise." I said unsure of what to say.

"I'm so sorry I didnt know who you were at first." He said looking at me apologetically.

"It's fine. Well I'm gonna go." I said and walked away. I walked to the edge of the border and sat down. I had been there for about five minutes when I heard a low growl. I turned around to see a large brown wolf that had a cream spot on its forehead. It looked at me shock showing on its feautures. It shifted and I gasped.

"Jace!?!?" I said in shock.


I know its kinda boring....... Sorry :)

hope you still liked it though Don't forget to


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If I get enough I'll post the next chapter!! :)

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