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It was the next morning and today is Sunday yaaay school work.

It's currently 10am and I've done my maths and history homework. I went downstairs to the kitchen.

Me: morning mi familia
Mom: morning
Dad: has anyone seen zac
Aimee: he's still in bed he was up all night on face time with this girl
Me: give him a break he's 16 and Aimee how would you know he was up all night unless you were up all night
Mom: Aimee!
Aimee: technically it was a Saturday so I sleep at whatever time plus I still woke up at 10am
Dad: I'm going to wake him up and give him something to stay up for
Dad: what
Me: he turns 17 in a year dad let him breath please. He's finally happy here in New York you can't take that away from him dad and don't forget none of us wanted to move here but we did for you because we're a family we stick together okay and you might not know when he's a senior he'll be a heartbreaker and his grades are amazing he gets an A plus in every subject he makes you and mom happy he makes his sisters happy it's time for zac himself to be happy so please for me let him go he's not a little niño anymore.
Dad: okay only because you gave me a good speech.
Mom: well I'm going out with Courtney for breakfast so goodbye everyone.

Mom left the house and zac came down.

Me: hello brother
Zac: hi?
Aimee: I told the whole family you were up all night talking to that girl
Zac: okay cool bye now
Me: nope your going to talk to us like a civilised person
Dad: zac?
Zac: father?
Me: why did you come down zac
Zac: because I'm hungry why are you all acting so weird.
Me: welll that's the longest sentence you have said to us since we moved here
Zac: and longest conversation so goodbye now
Me: Aimee and dad can you leave us for a sec I need to talk to this tonto.

They left the room.

Me: what happened to my best friend
Zac: I think cherry's at her dads house
Me: not Cher estùpido you!
Zac: he got left in New Jersey
Me: no I refuse to believe that
Zac: just stop interfering with my life god
Me: nope not gonna happen get back here right now
Zac: what?! What else do you want
Me: I want my brother back your gonna listen to me carefully okay. Who got mom and dad to get you a PS4 and an iPhone XR. Who taught you to ride your bike at age ten. Who taught you Spanish when dad was busy working. Who stuck by you till you let go and went rouge.
Zac: you
Me: exactly you can tell me anything
Zac: okay well I'm not happy here
Me: me either but we've made it through these past couple of years
Zac: I have a girlfriend
Me: we all know that now
Zac: I'm getting bullied at school
Me: HUH?!
Zac: nothing
Me: name and there addy
Zac: just stop Sydney
Me: no I will not stop tell me there fucking names if you don't I will knock you out cold then find the people and I will rock there world ain't nobody fucking with my brother.
Zac: his name is Eli he's probably at the basketball court ten minutes from here
Me: I'll be back in 20 minutes
Zac: no please

I took my keys and I got in my car and went to the basketball court and I saw two boys that looked around 16 so I walked up to them

Me: which one of you is Eli?
Boy1: me
Me: listen here you bitch if you carry on bullying my brother I will shove a stick up your ass so I dare you try me
Eli: awww zac got his ghetto older sister to fight his battles
Me: you white privileged piece of shit I'll show you ghetto real fast so don't fucking test my patience I don't fucking care if your younger than me and I really don't give a fucking shit that your a boy I'll beat the daylight out of you so I dare you to stand up to me please I beg you try me because you don't fuck with me and you most definitely will not fuck around with my brother alright.
Eli: aw princess is getting heated up come here give me a kiss sweetheart

That's when I lost it and I slapped him

Me: aww little white boy got slapped
Eli: I'll get a lawyer
Me: you do know that you will be in juvie for bullying not me so go ahead cuz you playing around with 5 years of juvie.
Eli: you'll pay
Me: mhm try anything with my brother I won't hesitate to call the police bitch so stand up to me
Eli: what ever

He tired pushing me but I grabbed his wrist and lightly pushed him since I was older than him

Me: I have 6 years of martial arts and my reflexes are in fucking point so please come up with a challenge for me if you can sweetheart.
Eli: fine
Me: say sorry to my brother
Eli: no
Me: huh
Eli: yes okay Ill say sorry

I left got back into my car and drove home.

Dad: are you alright
Me: yeah I have do something one minute.

I ran up the stairs and went into zac's room

Me: hey
Zac: go away
Me: why
Zac: just go
Me: no get up and talk to me
Zac: okay what
Me: I just solved your problem
Zac: thank you now go away
Me: what happened
Zac: Jade left me for Eli
Me: she wasn't worth it she's for the streets okay come let's make a tiktok account for you.
Zac: okay.

We made a tiktok account for him and posted one on my account.

( imagine zac is chase please and charli is Sydney)
( we did the first one)

Sydney.coe: @zac.coe guys this is my brother and his girlfriend cheated on him show him some love for me.

Likes: 2.4mill


User: aww I'm sorry she's for the streets
(Liked by creator)
Sydney.coe: Thats what I said.

User: she didn't deserve him

Zarbruh: tell him i said it happens to the best of us

User: aww poor thing

User: nah but he's cute

User: gimme his snapppp watchu meannnnnn he can get it tfffff
Sydney.coe: lmaoooooo his snap is zacharycoeee

User: who would want to cheat on him
Sydney.coe: apparently that dumb bitch

User: syd looks angry in this video
Sydney.coe: I was fuming bro

User: tell him I'm sorry about that

User: okay but why do I lowk ship him with @.cher
Sydney.coe: I did the first two years we got here in nyc but then kairi and Cher started dating so you know I gotta be respectful

User: my heart goes out for him

User: why do u look so tan
Sydney.coe: I- it's September I should be pale by now

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