My Boss Has Transferred Me

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Thank God I didn't get any class with the New boy. To be truthful I was shocked when he sat beside me but was more shocked when he tried to talk to me. He asked if I could show him around but me being me refused him.

Now I am at the terrace of our school sitting and looking at the distance. After yesterday's little stunt, I didn't have the courage to enter the canteen, so here I am.

When the bell rang I went towards my locker to take my books. I opened my locker, took my books for history class. I turned around and found Jaxon.

He said, " I know you didn't have lunch today. So I brought it. Have it." He extended his hand which had a sandwich.


"Aub, if you ever considered me as your friend then, please have it." With that, he placed the sandwich in my hand and went away. I went to my class and got seated at the last and have the sandwich he gave.

The rest of the day went smoothly and soon I was heading home. I opened the door and saw my father sitting on the couch and watching television.


He turned around and said, "Oh Aubri. I didn't hear you coming in. Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

I ignored his question and asked, "Dad are you ok? Did you catch a cold?"

He laughed at my question then said, "Yes, yes I'm fine. But why did you ask?"

"Dad you are usually not home during this hour. What's the matter?"

"First go and freshen up then we will talk about this."

I went to my room, threw my backpack on my bed, put my phone on the charger and went to my bathroom to freshen up. I changed into my home clothes which consisted of a loose tank top and loose pant.

I went downstairs and saw him sitting in the position I had left him. On seeing me he patted the seat next to him. I went and sat beside him. He took hold of my hand and said, "My company had opened a new branch in Canada."


" boss had transferred me there."

"Dad you are joking, right?"


When I didn't say anything, he continued, "Teddy, I want you to pack your bags, we will leave for Canada soon."

"Dad, you know how much I love this house."


"Dad I will not go with you."

"Teddy, try to understand the situation. We have nobody here who can look after you."

"I can look after myself."

"No, you..." I didn't let him finish his sentence because I ran towards my room holding my tears. I sat on my bed and cried.

I felt someone's hand on my head. I opened my eyes and saw that 'someone' was my father. I instantly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"I have one important thing to discuss with you," he said.

"Go on I'm listening."

"I tried to change my boss decision of sending me to Canada but it was of no avail. And I know how much you love this house."

I hummed in response.

"So I have a proposal for you."

"Proposal? What kind of proposal?"

"I talked to my friend about this and he suggested that you should live with him. He has a son who goes to your school and two daughters. One of them is studying medicine in New York and the other one is in kindergarten.

" But dad how can you trust a stranger?"

"See I don't have another choice. I can't let you live alone in this house and you are not ready to go with me."


"No 'buts'. Either stay with him or come with me." He said in a fatherly tone.

"Okay, I'll stay with your friend but what about this house? Will you sell it?"

"Do you remember Mrs Gonning?"

"Yes." Mrs Gonning is an old woman who runs a bakery shop along with her husband. When I was younger my dad and I used to go to her shop for cake and candies.

"I will sell this house to her. But you can come here whenever you want. Your room will be locked. Okay?"


"Now pack your bag, we will go to his house tomorrow after you come from school and then I'll leave for Canada."

"Tomorrow? Why so early?"

"Oh, teddy my flight is tomorrow at 9 p.m."

He stands up and ruffled my hair." Come I had ordered your favourite food."

We had our dinner together. Our last dinner.

 Our last dinner

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