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It was the next day, August 19th and it was already 10am but the girls were snoring and Chaerin and Dara were hugging their Rilakkuma and Tamtam tightly while Bom was having Poong Poong near her pillow and Minzy was just sleeping normally.

Since the girls didn't wake up, Mrs.Kim was very worried since they would always get up at 6am and eat breakfast at 10am after getting ready so she used her spare keys and opened the door and saw the girls sleeping.

She didn't want to wake them up so she just left the room and an hour later Bom finally had woken up.

"What time is it? I bet it's like only 5:30am." Bom said muttering to herself and then looked at the alarm clock and then screamed which made not only the other three girls get up but Mrs.Kim and their unnie Milly too and they came rushing.

"Girls what's wrong?" Milly asked worriedly.

"Nothing unnie, I never thought I would wake up this late." Bom said.

"Girls after you get ready and have breakfast, come to my room I want to talk with you four." Mrs.Kim said and left with a serious expression.

"Okay then, bye girls!" Milly said and then waved bye to them sweetly and was gone.

"Oh oh, we're in trouble I think guys." Dara said but to only hear her out there was Minzy.

Chaerin and Bom were fighting over who would go bath first since it was already late, but in the end Bom ended up going since she won over by saying "Older ones get to win" and Minzy and Dara were surprised that Chaerin fell into that trap because it worked for younger ones too especially.

"Fine I'll wait." Chaerin said grumpily and sat on the lower bunk bed.

"Poor Chaerin-ah." Dara said giggling to the maknae Minzy who was laughing covering her mouth too.

"What are you both laughing about?" Chaerin asked lifting one of her eyebrows.

"Nothing unnie." Minzy said with a smile and Dara was laughing and covering her mouth to make sure Chaerin didn't see it.

"Fine whatever." Chaerin said and then waited.

After an hour, finally Bom came out and the next second Chaerin quickly ran in and took her about an hour and thirty minutes to get out and the other two didn't take time much especially Dara who only took forty five minutes to bath and the maknae took an hour.

By the time all the girls were ready it was already 3:15 pm so they had to just go eat lunch even though it was already late, after having a full meal served by Tiffany since she was the eldest in the house, the girls rushed to their eomma's room.

"H-hello e-e-o-mma." Chaerin said stuttering because she was afraid that she had found out that they went to Jiyong's birthday party.

"Come in." Mrs.Kim said with a little smile and the girls finally entered with relief.

"So as I told you girls earlier, it isn't a nasty job to spy but it is very bad if you sneak out and do bad things if you know what I mean." Mrs.Kim said.

After hearing what Mrs.Kim had said the girls were frightened that she knew what they were doing last night, so they started sweating and panicking.

"Is it too hot girls? I'll change the temperature so that it will be less hotter and more colder okay?" Mrs.Kim said with a strange expression on her face.

"Um..Okay eomma." Bom said nervously holding the hand of Dara's and Minzy's since she was near those two.

Then suddenly Mrs.Kim laughed so hard that scared the death out of the girls.

"Girls is something wrong? Because I was just practising this new role because I wanted to do a new activity and wanted to show you guys, is my acting that bad?" Mrs.Kim asked laughing a little.

"Of course not eomma, your acting is the best!" Dara said finally relieved that she didn't know about what happened last night.

"Okay then, now you girls can go and sorry for troubling." Mrs.Kim said with a little smile.

"It's okay eomma." Minzy said with a big smile and then the girls just waved a little and then left the room and quickly ran to their room and Dara shut the door and locked it.

"Omo for a moment I died, I thought eomma was referring to last night." Bom said sighing.

"Me too." The other three girls said in unison.

"Anways now that there isn't any problem, should we go to the park for a walk?" Bom asked the others.

"That sounds like a great idea unnie!" Chaerin said and the others agreed and then they went to Mrs.Kim to get approval to go out.

"Eomma, we're going to the park can we go?" Bom asked with a cute covincing barbie doll expression on her face.

"Fine, but be back home by 6:00pm and also driver will drop you in the park and she'll also pick you up afterwards so just give her a call when your done relaxing in the park, okay girls? And be safe!" Eomma said and the other four just nodded their head and she planted a kiss on each of their cheeks and let them go.

"Okay now let's go!" Dara said excitedly and the other three just giggled and agreed

Then the four of them reached the park and they didn't expect TOP and Daesung to be there.

"Unnies you know I have to go." Minzy said shyly.

"Yup we understand go maknae." Dara said winking at her.

"You too Bom unnie, it's your chance!" Chaerin said and then Bom shyly smiled and then ran to TOP.

Then Chaerin and Dara was chitchatting until they saw Seungri and Jiyong arriving in the scene.

"I'm telling you this is going to be a chaos." Dara said and Chaerin just bit her lip and Dara was right indeed it was going to be a chaos!

*Author's note*

Hey guys, I'm updating very quickly this time and I have now posted 3 chapters (with this) today and I hope you guys like the story!

Votes and comments are appreciated!^_^

Word count- 1053


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