Sōji: What? What did you find?

Bashou showed me the article that she found. When I looked at it, I was surprised. It was a help wanted ad for a place called Asuka's Futomaki Palace, a family friendly restaurant made by a company named "Shinobi Entertainment".

Help Wanted

Asuka's Futomaki Palace
Family restaurant built in homage to The Hanzō Academy Elites is looking for security guard to work the nightshift.
12am to 6am.
Monitor cameras, ensure safety of equipment and animatronic characters.
Not responsible for injury/dismemberment.
$120 a week.
To apply, call the number listed below.

Upon looking at this article, my face lit up in excitement, but a little disappointed at the same time. Bashou looked at me in a concerned manner.

Bashou: What's wrong?

Sōji: Well, I wasn't expecting a nightshift job, though.

Bashou: Don't sweat it. After all, its only from 12am to 6am. That's better than 10pm to 8am, right?

Sōji: You know? You're right.

With that said, I take out my phone and contacted the manager of the place first, and if I didn't get an answer, I would walk to the establishment. After a few seconds, I hear a male voice on the other end.

Male voice (On phone): Hello? Who is this?

Sōji: Hi. My name is Sōji, the most beautiful Hebijo student. I'm calling about the nightshift job offering.

Male voice (On phone): The nightshift postition, huh? Come to the restaurant in an hour, then we can have an interview.

Sōji: Really? Thank you sir.

Once that was said and done, I hang up and place the phone back into my pocket. After that, I raised my fist in the air in a "victory" pose. Bashou nodded her head.

Bashou: I wish you the best of luck, Sōji.

Sōji: Wait, you're not coming with me?

Bashou: No...Its alright. Just go on and get that job.

That was weird. I wanted to question why she didn't want to go to Asuka's with me, but I shrugged it off, thinking that she probably had something else to do at the time. So, with that said, I say goodbye to Bashou and immediantly ran home to dress in something more "perfessional" before going to the restaurant.

One hour later...

I arrive at the restaurant just in time. I was wearing my standard Hebijo uniform, just for the interview. Judging by the place and the atmosphere, it didn't seem like I had to go the extra route and dress in a suit, but I wanted to make a good "first impression".

I take a few deep breaths before walking into the restaurant. However, once I step inside, the place almost looked empty, minus the other employees there. They all gave pleasant smiles and waved at me, and giving a smile, I give them a wave back. One of them goes up to me and starts talking to me.

Nameless Employee: Hello, kind lady. What brings you to Asuka's Futomaki Palace today?

Sōji: I'm here to see the manager. I'm trying to apply for the nightshift job. I called him earlier and he said to come here.

Five Nights At Asuka's (ORIGINAL, DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang