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"Let's just be a little silent and wait for eomma to go away." Dara said and it was quite a good idea, not exactly one but the others hadn't thought of one so they agreed and stayed silent.

"I'll go check now." Minzy said and looked through the key hole and then left a sigh of relief.

"Eomma's not at the door anymore." Minzy said which made the other three finally feel better.

"The thing is how do we get out of here without eomma knowing?" Bom asked.

"We're sneaking out of the window unnie." Chaerin replied.

"But then how come? Won't our dresses get ruined?" Bom asked a bit disappointed because she loved the new dress, she felt like her five year old self wearing all the cute and lovely dresses like she always wanted to wear.

"Well I don't think it would be that bad." Dara said.

"Well easy for you to say Ssantoki, but I love this dress so..?" Bom said eyeing at everyone.

"Let's just leave this dress topic for now and get out because you realise that we all we have is just fifteen minutes left unnies." Minzy said acting like the leader.

"Oh then let's get to work!" Chaerin said and it took almost ten minutes for the girls to get out safely because the unnies Bom and Dara kept on bickering while getting down so it was very hard to concentrate especially because Bom wanted her outfit to look as it was.

"Finally now let's go." Dara said.

"How? We don't have a taxi or anything." Chaerin said.

"You guys don't know Milly auntie said that we could borrow her limo for now." Minzy said calmly.

"Oh my god, are you serious? I'm so excited we're going to be like celebrities coming out of the limo, i can't wait let's go!" Bom said excitedly and hopped into the limo already.

Then the others got in too but then it striked them, who was going to drive the limo?

"If you guys are thinking about driving, then leave it to this twenty-five year old woman called Sandara Park, who has an experience in driving for four years." Dara said proudly while the other three just clapped and giggled.

Eomma was always strict when it came to things like driving and Dara was always talking to her telling her how she wanted to drive car on her own but Eomma never allowed until she was twenty- one, she made one whole catastrophe throwing a tantrum in the hostel which made eomma change her mind and only allowed Dara to get driving lessons, Dara wasn't the only one though before her Sunny and Sooyoung had got them too as they were older.

When they were inside the car Dara then asked,"Would I look like the driver?" which made the other three girls giggle.

"Unnie aniya, your always the knight in shining armour for us." Chaerin said giggling a bit and with a proud yet silly expression on her face and the rest of the drive went like that.

"Hyung why haven't those four arrived yet?" Seungri asked a bit sad.

"Don't worry they'll arrive soon, maknae." Taeyang said reassuring him.

"So all you want to see is them?" TOP said teasing the poor panda who then ran away after hearing it and TOP and Taeyang shared a good laugh after that, the boys always liked to bully Seungri especially the three Jiyong, TOP and Taeyang they found it fun and the panda also didn't take it in a serious way.

Daesung was busy talking to the others boys from his and Seungri's section 3B while the girls arrived out of the limo, the sound of it grabbed everyone's attention.

"Hey isn't that an expensive limo?" Jiyong asked surprised that one of his friends would turn up in a limo but little did he know it was those girls who were inside it.

"Wait guys before going in, wear this mask since it's a masquerade party." Bom said and handed out the masks to the others.

"Hmm..sounds fun." Minzy said with a smirk which got the other three shook.

"What was that Gong Minzy?" Dara asked giggling a bit.

"I was just trying to play of this girl in a K-drama that we watched secretly in Milly unnie's laptop." Minzy said shyly.

"It's okay, let's get in before we come too late besides you know we're already ten minutes late." Chaerin said and the others agreed and they got inside Jiyong's birthday party.

"Welcome!" Daesung said with a mask on, he couldn't recognise them nor could they, but except just that Daesung had a familiar feel towards the red-haired girl Minzy!

Then the four of them entered like queens inside with their dresses and their figures looking stunning because they always went to the gym in the hostel and they even used to earn some sort of money through that when they were young but not now.

"Who are they? Are they-" Before Jiyong could finish his sentence, Seungri went to them and hugged Dara and Bom, the maknae really knew who was who and he also did that because he loved the noonas but to especially make one girl jealous called Lee Chaerin.

"Who are you? Why are you hugging my unnies?" Chaerin said madly.

"Don't you remember me my Chaecat?" Seungri said removing his mask and winking at Chaerin which made the cat girl's cheek turn red.

"Ahem." Jiyong said clearing his throat, he was standing somewhere and a lot of people couldn't even see him so Taeyang had to speak for him because Jiyong wanted to be a mystery man and wanted to find a right girl for him atleast here.

"So welcome guys this is my bestfriend, I mean our bestfriend Jiyong's birthday party please enjoy and don't forget to take part in the dance." Taeyang said and got off and then was talking with Daesung.

It took almost an hour for all of them to finish the dessert which was the cake and many still didn't even know where the mystery birthday boy Jiyong was, but most of them came for the drinks and food so they didn't really care and started partying.

"Hey listen up party people!" Seungri said with a loud speaker which made everyone stop and listen to him.

"So this is the dance time, you can dance with anyone here, it is time for all of you to assemble!" Seungri said and the others including the girls followed the instructions and then they gathered all together.

"Isn't this kind of boring Bommie?" The Ssantoki asked who was almost yawning.

"No not all, it's the real fun time!" Bom said very excited because she had seen these kind of things recently in the dramas and movies they watched and definitely the secret romantic books she had borrowed from the college library and made sure eomma didn't know about it, she didn't tell the girls too because she felt it was embarrassing.

*Authors note*

Hi guys, I know it's been like really long since I made an update but now I'll be updating more often so I'd really love to se votes and comments from you guys ^_^

Word count- 1867


All I want for Christmas is a Boyfriend! || 2nebang FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat