Charlie kept calling everyday to the point where Amara had to change her number

Amara haven't seen her therapist in 2 months it was as if she fell off the face of the earth

Amara cried watching The Bridge Of Terabithia

"sweetheart it's not that sad" her father took the empty bowl of popcorn away from her

"but it is! she could of been alive someone-"

"crap!" her father jumped up causing her to jump

"what's wrong?" she looked at her father in shock

"your appointment let's go it's in an hour!"

"an hour!?" he nodded clapping his hands

"get up come on honey" he helped her up turning off the TV and putting the bowl in the sink as she rushed into the room

Amara didn't grow much but it was now becoming noticeable that she was pregnant with her bump started to stick out

"dad i cant get ready in an hour!" she cried out making him sigh

It was as if she became another person everything she did she cried or got angry about it

Amara mindset was clouded by anger or sadness she didn't care whenever she said or thought of something reckless

They rushed out the door as she fixed her yoga pants

Her father quickly pulled up to the clinic he rushed in making his way to the front desk as the lady nodded

"come on sweetheart" an older black lady called after her trying to get Amara attention

Amara snapped out of her quick daydream and followed after her as her father followed behind

"sir you could just wait in the waiting area-"

"no please it's okay he can stay" Amara quickly cut the nice lady off causing the lady to nod

The older lady started to take Amara blood pressure and temperature as they waited

The doctor came into the room with a huge smile on her face she took a seat while the nurse gathered the items out of the way

"how have you been?" the doctor smiled at her

Amara gave the doctor a tight lip smile "I've been fine just a lot of heart burn"

The doctor nodded "thats normal behavior it's because of your hormones they nurture your womb and the baby inside it" Amara nodded laying back

doctor Halk quickly put on her gloves as Amara lifted up her shirt and slightly lowered her pants

"how have you been dad?" she looked over at Amara father with a smile

he shook his head "i've been taking care of this girl by myself since she was 9 I just know it's not about me anymore it's all about her she is the only thing that matters in my life right now"

Doctor Halk fake pouted pouring the gel on Amara lower stomach area "that's so sweet"

A heart beat came through the speakers causing Amara to smile and tear up

"how come we didn't hear that last time?"

"great question" the doctor laughed "it was my fault i forgot to turn it on for you I know how much of a big deal that is for everyone"

Amara nodded as she heard the heart beat she kept her eyes focused on the small screen

Doctor Halk laughed again causing Amara to frown

"look at that" she pointed to the screen "she isn't shy anymore now is she?"

"she?" Amara choked out

Doctor Halk nodded smiling "look at those little fist!"

"she has a huge head" Amara father called out

"that's normal" Doctor Halk laughed

for the first time in months Amara felt at peace she watched as her father and Doctor Halk laugh with each other as she got cleaner off

for once she felt as if everything could be different.


how do you feel about the gender reveal?!

BTW i might do a 3 year skip thing kinda feel like i'm stretching the pregnancy

would that be okey?🥺
please do NOT attack me i've never been pregnant before if my information is wrong i apologize 😔

hmmmmm how much do you miss charlie? scale 1 to 10😎

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