Dancing in the rain

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This was requested by @LovingMusicalTheatre I hope you like it. Imma write the nightmare one soon.

Cathy POV
I grab my jumper and put it on, today me and Kat we're going out, I had everything planned out and I hope it was gonna be perfect. Kat runs down the stairs with her hair in two French braids (I think some people call them plaits but I dunno) I smile at her, she was beautiful. She smiles and waves at me, she runs to the couch and sits down. "Cathy, what are we doing today?" She asks and I smile and grab the picnic basket,

"We are going out today." I say and she smiles

"What are we gonna do?" She asks and I walk to the couch and kiss her cheek

"It's a surprise" I say and she sits up.

"Can I know now?" She asks and I shake my head,

"You'll find out soon enough," I say and she gives me a small smile

"Okie. Can we go now?" She asks and I nod, she stands up and puts on her shoes.

At ze beach
I hold Kats hand and she laughs as I almost trip over my shoe lace. "Gosh Cathy just take your dang shoes," she says and I shake my head.

"Nope not happening. I refuse" J say and she shakes her head,

"Just like how you refuse to sleep" *cough cough ShadowMP7 cough cough* I pull her hand to a place where there was barley any people because Kat likes it when there's not too many people. She smiles and I pull out cupcakes, she squeals and takes one.

"You can't tell Jane I let you have one. She'll kill me" I say and she nods,

"Got it," she says and eats the cupcake. I stand up and grab my notebook, Kat smiles and reads over my shoulder. "I like that one" she says and I smile

"I was hoping you would" I say and she smiles and kisses my cheek. A little kid screams and laughs as she gets picked upside down by her mother. I giggle and stand up to take a picture of Kat, I trip over my shoelace and fall on my back, Kat starts laughing and runs to my side, a bunch of birds swarm Kat because she was holding a bag of chips. She swats them away and grabs my hand,

"Are you okay?" She asks and I nod

"Pain and birds" I say and she giggles,

"Where does it hurt?" She asks and I point to my head "your head always hurts" *cough cough ShadowMP7 cough cough* She kisses the side of my head. "Does that help?" She asks and I nod,

"More than you know" I say and she smiles,

"I love you" she says and I smile and she hugs me

"I love you too" I say and we sit there for a while eating and talking.

An hour later
Most of the people had left as it was almost 4:00 pm. It starts raining and Kat screeches when it starts down pouring. "Holy crap!" She shouts and I laugh, she had taken her braids out.

"We should go!" I exclaim and she nods, I grab the picnic basket and Kat grabs the blanket. I start laughing as Kat runs by the water and slips, a hug wave comes and I laugh as Kat gets soaked.

"Stop laughing at me!" She shouts and I hold my hands out for her too grab, instead she pulls me in the water with her and I fall next to her. I continue laughing as another wave comes over us, Kat stands up and pulls me up and kisses me.

"That was the most cliche thing you could have done" I say and she nods,

"Mhm, I'm gonna do it again" she says and I nod,

"Mkay" I say and she pulls me in for another kiss. My phone starts ringing from the picnic basket which was far away from the water, and Kat slips again, I answer the phone laughing. "Hello" I say and Kat pulls me down with her

"Where are you guys? It's pouring and Janes freaking out" Catherine says,

"We are currently in the water, OH MY GOD GO GO!" I yell as a huge wave almost takes me and Kat under the water, we both run away.

"What the he- y'know what just hurry you and get home" she says and hangs up. Kat starts laughing and she holds up the towels which were also soaked. She throws them on the ground and take my hand and starts spinning me around. We start dancing in the rain and we laugh, she kisses me and I smile I to the kiss.

"We're both gonna end up sick" she says and the sun comes out. We continue dancing and Kat gasps and points the the sky. "RAINBOW!" She shouts and takes a picture with my phone,

"What a coincidence" I say and she kisses me. It starts down pouring again and we run to the car with our stuff. "We are definitely gonna be sick tomorrow" I say and she nods,

"Definitely" she says.

At home
Kat and me were still soaked and we knocked on the door and Anne answers it and starts laughing "oh my god, what happens to you two?" She asks and Jane walks to the door and gasps.

"So the thing is that we danced in the run and fell in the water multiple times." Kat says

"And we kissed in the rain" I say and Kat nods,

"Anna! Get some towels!" Jane shouts and we wait at the door and Anna runs over with towels.

10 minutes later
Me and Kat we're sitting close together covered in blankets, she was freezing and so was I. "I'm cold" she says and I wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her and she smiles and kisses back,

"Can someone get me my heated blanket? I'm absolutely freezing," I say and Anne looks at me,

"You have two working legs, do it yourself" She says and Kat shakes her head,

"Nope she can't she's cuddling with me." Kat says and nuzzles her head in my neck, Jane hands us the heated blanket and I turn it on.

"Thank you" I say and she nods,

"Welcome. You guys want anything"

"COFFEE" I screech and Kat nods,

"I want lemonade" she says and Jane walks away. "We should dance in the rain more often" she says and I nod.

"But of course" I say in a weird voice and she giggles.

Heyyyyyyy, I listen to ze Dear Evan Hansen.

Random fact: I watched 2 bootlegs today and I regret nothing.


-ScReEcHiNg ToRtUlLlLlLeEeEeE🐢🐢🐢

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